Books,  Films

In My Festive Mailbox #8

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. Let us know what books you’ve bought, borrowed or received!

So first off, I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS although I know that the day is now officially over, the spirit of it still lingers on so there we go! (:
Secondly, as it was the week leading up to Christmas I was actually really good and only bought one book! I then waited until now to be posting my IMM because in this household, the festivities and present giving has only just ended because I just have that big of a family! But, it is now with a little sadness that I must admit I recieved no books for Christmas. However, never fear, for I received plenty of DVDs instead! :D

So, here is how my week panned out:


I bought this book as I was gifting a friend with a book and it was on a BOGOF (buy one, get one free) deal and I therefore couldn’t resist! I hadn’t heard of it until I saw it in the store and after reading the summary, I had to admit, I was extremely intrigued and so I bought it! I hope it’s as good as it sounds!

Chalet Girl
Black Swan
Freedom Writers
The Ugly Truth
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Night at the Museum 2
HIMYM Seasons 1-5
Harry Potter 8-disc Boxset

I cannot tell you how happy I was when I opened the last item on that list. Like, extremely happy! :D We’ve always had the films on video when they came out and then on DVDs sporadically through the years but they’ve always been the family’s DVDs but these ones are just for me! All other films (and television show!) are brilliant and are welcome additions to my collection!

Amazon Kindle

Oh yeah, I should probably mention… I also got one of THESE bad boys! =D It was a lovely present and I have already finished a book on it because I just love it so much! I also received a kindle cover, a kindle booklight and a kindle plug to go with it! =]

for review 

I got a copy of these through the PN&UF Goodreads group’s R2R and I cannot wait to read it! It sounds so interesting and will be the second book that I’ll be able to read on my kindle. I am extremely excited for it! =]

so, what did you get? =]


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