
In My Mailbox #13

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. Let us know what books you’ve bought, borrowed or recieved! :)
So this week I didn’t get that many new books as I’m trying to resist buying new things (ha) and trying to limit how many reviews I take on as I am now officially backed-up and really need to get on with some of the ones I already have!


The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith
Feast of Fools by Rachel Caine
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

I was so excited when The Statistical Probablity of Love at First Sight arrived on my doorstep and then, even happier when Shatter Me landed on the floor yesterday, I have been wanting to read this one since I first saw it in Oct/Nov time! City Of Bones I bought today after getting a few recommendations for it. I’m certainly curious to see what it is like! Feast of Fools I bought in the same offer as City of Bones and is just another book in the MV series, even though I still haven’t even read the second one! But I will!

Can’t wait to read all of these books!

I also got something brilliant today too;

A brand spanking new bookcase!! :D This will come in very handy -nods-
And, because I got really excited, I have also taken a picture with it all filled =D
*side note: this bookcase took hours to assemble.

for review  


I am really looking forward to reading and reviewing all of these books! Angel Evolution I have recieved for the Read it and Reap on Shut Up and Read group on Goodreads. Meeting Destiny is from the Read 2 Review on Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy group on Goodreads. And Anything I requested on NetGalley and am definitely intrigued by it!
That is all I got this week,
what did you get? =) 
don’t forget to enter my giveaway!  


  • Theta Sigma

    My personal haul was a bit small fry this week, but I had to get these books for my Kindle as the price on one of them had just gone up (darn!!!)

    I got “The Fault In Our Stars” by John Green, “The Kitchen Daughter” by Jael McHenry and “Divergent” by Veronica Roth.

    • Daydreaming_Star

      I hate when that happens!
      I’ve heard good things about The Fault in Our Stars so need to get that one myself! Haven’t heard of the Kitchen Daughter before, you’ll have to let me know if it’s any good!
      And Divergent was FREAKING awesome :D I still need to write my review of it, but yes, it was a Five Star book for definite! :D


  • Brodie

    SHATTER ME!!! STATISTICAL PROBABILITY!! LOVELOVELOVE! You go drop everything and read now? Awwwwwesome :D Cannot wait to see what you think of those two in particular. I’m not a huuge fan of The Immortal Instruments series, but I am seriously in the minority, so many fans! Oooh and sexy new bookshelf!! I see you’ve managed to completely fill it already :D

    • Daydreaming_Star

      Hahahahaha. I wish I could!! But I’ll get to them as soon as I can and make sure to gush at you when I do! :D That’s the only reason for Twitter, right? haha.
      Well, if I don’t like it, at least I’ve only wasted £1.50 :D wooo.

      Haha, yeaaah, all those books were just sitting in a box in my cupboard, it was a bit sad so I’m glad they’re now finally out on show. Though, as I found this morning, being able to see them just makes me want to read them EVEN more. #counterproductive :D

  • Myra Garces-Bacsal from GatheringBooks

    I love bookcases, we have four huge Billy Book Cases here in my home (from Ikea) – and I make sure I leave empty shelfspaces for new book buys. :) Simply can’t get enough of books, and I can’t NOT buy book bargains. :) I’ve been interested with Statistical Probability of Love at First sight for the longest time, do drop me a line once you have your review up.

    Here’s ours over at GatheringBooks:

    • Daydreaming_Star

      I love bookcases too! Just wish I had more room for them. -nods- But as I’m only going to be here for another six months, can’t get too upset by the lack of space! Hehe. and YES! Agreed! I went food shopping today and they had bargain on books there and my fingers were itching but somehow I managed to resist.

      I’ll make sure I do! It’s a small book so I’ll probably get to it before most of the others! :D


  • Just a Lil Lost

    I love getting a fresh new bookcase to fill with lovely reads! :D

    You got some fantastic books this week!! :) I won Statistical Probability this week so I’m waiting for it to arrive!! I’ve heard so many great things about it! :) I read City of Bones a LONG while back.. might need to re-read it and refresh my memory!!

    Thanks for stopping by :)

    Michele | IMM | 2-Book Giveaway

  • Sarah (saz101)

    EEEEEEE! BOOKCASE! Oh my goodness. Seriously.

    ANd uh… your mailbox… it be epic. TSPOLAFS, CoV and Shatter Me are among my favorite books, and I’m so excited to start reading the Morganville books! Random fact: did you know that Cassie Clare used to be a Harry Potter fan fic celebrity? For reals.

    So, uh. EPIC MAILBOX! <3333

  • The Reading Enchantress

    Great mailbox! I really need to get a copy of The Statistical Probablity of Love at First Sight. It sounds so good! And Shatter Me is a-maz-ing! Seriously awesome :) I hope you enjoy it!
    Thanks for stopping by my mailbox and Happy Reading!
    Olivia @ The Reading Enchantress

  • Mandy @ BLYTHESandBOOKS

    Hi Faye,
    thanx for leaving a comment on Blythes & Books’ Mailbox!

    Have you started on ‘Fallen’ yet? a warning, you have to have some patience to stick with the story, but I think they’re lovely stories. Not epic, but very nice.

    And wow, lovely loot! I am in love with ‘Angel Evolution’s cover, gonna read the blurb after I post this and who knows! Let me know what you think of it!

    Happy reading! :)

    • Daydreaming_Star

      I haven’t yet but I will keep that in mind! I’m usually quite patient with books so I will try and stick it out!

      It sounds quite good but I’ve heard the second and third are better so I’m looking forward to getting to those! I will let you know what I think once I’ve read it!



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