Books,  Films

In My Mailbox #14

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. Let us know what books you’ve bought, borrowed or recieved! :)
So this week I actually managed to not buy a single book! o_O! I did however, buy one video and one DVD but these were necessary buys for my degree so they can be fully justified! And I recieved a pre-ordered book I bought in January :D
However, do not despair for I did get an AWESOME e-mail from my library telling me some of my reservations were ready to collect… oh boy :D

So, I was pretty damn happy when Everneath arrived. I have to admit that with all the buzz surrounding this book, I cannot wait to dig into it and see if it’s as good as everyone claims it to be! Springtime and Blue Kite were, as mentioned above, purchased for university but nonetheless I am looking forward to watching this and am glad to have them in my collection :D
I have to admit, I got pretty excited when I got this e-mail! With all the hype surrounding Touch of Power and a somewhat awesome recommendation from a close friend, I knew that I simply had to read it! I’ve not read anything by Maria yet, though I was supposed to read Poison Study a while back, oops! but I am looking forward to reading this! Haunting Violet and Uninvited were both recommended to me through Goodreads and they both seem really interesting and I cannot wait to read them!! :D 
for review 
Upon seeing this on Netgalley, I decided that I had to check it out. It sounds like such an intriguing and interesting story! Upon further research, it has been discovered that Emily was only fourteen years old when she wrote this and so now I am even more interested in this story. The review for this will be up on Feb 20th, I cannot wait to start reading it! :D 
That’s all I got this week,
what did you get? :)
don’t forget to enter my giveaway!  


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