Books,  Films

In My Mailbox #15

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. Let us know what books you’ve bought, borrowed or recieved! :)

Guess what guys! I was good again! :D This was my second week without buying a single book! I bet you must all be sooo proud of me right now. Haha. I did see THG on a 2 for £3 deal and was so tempted but I somehow stopped myself before I bought them! 
I did however, get a pre-ordered book and some good books from the library and for review :-) 
So, despite not buying any books, I’ve actually had a fairly good week!

I bought this all the way back in January because I have been waiting to read this one since I first heard about it through ARC reviews. I am really, really holding my breath to get to this one! I did really like the hardback cover but since I got mine for my kindle and don’t really see the cover, it doesn’t bother me too much, thankfully! :D
I have been seeing A Million Suns EVERYWHERE and so I decided that it was finally time I got involved in this series myself as it seems like such a great one! Luckily it was not on loan in the library so when I went to pick up Evernight, I grabbed this one too! Evernight was recommended to me on Goodreads and I’m quite interested about reading it! When, you know, I have the time! 
for review 
The Book of Blood and Shadow is my first ever paperback review book. I was actually pretty excited when this arrived. Small pleasures? Hehe. I can’t wait to start reading this as it sounds so good!!
The other three novels I won on LibraryThing and I like the look at all of them! They sound so intriguing! Looking forward to getting around to reading and reviewing them :D
That’s all I got this week, 
what did you get? :) 



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