Books,  Films

Letterbox Love #5

Letterbox Love is a new meme that was created by Kristy, Laura, Carly, Lynsey, Emma and Leanne and is being hosted on Lynsey’s blog, here.
The logo on mine is not the actual one. I made this myself before I realised a graphic had been made already but I love mine so I’m keeping it.

So, as you can see, I have a lot to show you this week. A lot of books and a lot of DVDs! I also got a few e-books this week too, so that’s fairly exciting as well! I’ve needed a week like this and now I got it. Woo! But what DID I get?


The Pledge by Kimberly Derting: I have seen this book around the blogosphere since I started my blog and ever time I see it, I know that it is a book that I want to read. Finally, it appears in my eyesight in a really good deal and I simply cannot resist to grab it. I hope that it is as good as I think it is!

Lament by Maggie Stiefvater: I still haven’t read any of Maggie’s work, even though I own all of her books, but I picked this one up, saw the synopsis and simply had to buy it. It sounds so interesting and I’m definitely looking forward to getting stuck in it!

Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater: Same as above really, it’s the sequel and I’m just really looking forward to reading it as it sounds amazing!


Fire Baptized by Kenya Wright: So, I had this as one of my Waiting on Wednesday’s a long while ago and I never forgot about it. So, when I saw it was only 79p on Amazon, I simply had to buy it. I am so looking forward to getting stuck into this one!

The Assassin and the Pirate Lord, The Assassin and the Underworld, and, The Assassin and the Desert by Sarah J. Maas: I am so excited to read Throne of Glass so when I heard there were three novella’s (and a fourth in the works) to go along with it? Well, I simply couldn’t resist! Especially when I saw that they were all under a pound on Amazon. Needless to say I will be reading these all very soon!

Kingdom of Heaven (2005): I watched this film a long time ago and fell in love with it but somehow never purchased it, so when it was on offer for only a pound, I simply couldn’t resist. Gotta love me so Bloom action.

Batman Begins (2005): Oh, Christopher Nolan is an absolute god, isn’t he? I actually only saw this film last year, a good few years after I watched The Dark Night but I loved and knew it was a must-buy when I saw it!

The Dark Night (2008): Loved this film! It was so great and I have seen it a few times since the cinema due to awesome housemates with the DVD of it but since I am leaving soon, I figured it was time to have my own copy!

Click (2006): I am always a bit on the fence when it comes to Adam Sandler, but Click was one film that I watched at its release and just instantly loved. I’m glad to finally have the DVD so that I can watch it again sometime soon!

Beauty and The Beast (1991): OH MY GOD! I cannot tell you how happy I was to see this 2-disc DVD edition of one of my favourite Disney movies at only £7! It was an instant impulse buy and it is making me super excited for when the 3D version of this film hits the cinema!

Source Code (2011): I loved this film when I saw it in the cinema and am totally looking forward to re-watching it! Give me some more Ryan Reynolds any day! xD

Charmed: Season Five: This came the day after I finished season four so it was just completely brilliant timing! I am super excited to continue watching this brilliant tv programme and now I only need season seven and eight to complete my collection! Yay!


The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa: I just finished the Iron Queen yesterday and it was so brilliant! It ended so perfectly and I am now so geared up to read the last instalment in this series. So, now that I have it sitting on my shelf, we know it shall be read very soon!

for review

The History Keepers by Damian Dibben: Oh, this one sounds so good! It came out last year but when I heard about it and heard more about Damian, I simply had to read it and Random House were kind enough to send me this copy for review, plus a few other things which will come to light in due time. All I will say is; I am excited!

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas: Okay, first up can I just squeal a little bit? *squeeal!* Yeap. This was me when I got sent the e-mail and it was really exciting to see it waiting on the floor for me! I cannot wait to read this. Especially with the cover reveal yesterday! It just looks so glorious! Like… oh my!!! o_O Thank you Bloomsbury!


Soul of the Band by K. L. Brady: I am reading this one for the blog tour and I have to say that it really drew me in. It sounds so inspiring and helpful and I’m looking forward to reading it myself and finding the message hidden within the words!

Moa by Tricia Stewart Shiu: I actually got this from a First Reads Win but when I saw it was going on tour, I decided that it was high time I actually read and reviewed it! I am really looking forward to reading this and am glad to have something to help me do it!

Statue of Ku by Tricia Stewart Shiu: This is the second book in the series and I’m looking forward to reading this one as much as I am looking forward to reading the first! Here’s hoping they don’t disappoint!


that’s all i got this week!
what did you get?

*have you entered my TWO giveaways yet? My 300 follower giveaway and my Helens-Of-Troy giveaway *


  • Sarah (saz101)


    I JUST received Throne of Glass last night, and was SO excited! AND BATMAN BEGINS AND DARK KNIGHT. OK, seriously, I think those movies are brilliant.


    Also, I think The Pledge is one of Kristin’s favorite books :D

    Happy reading, my favorite Faye :D

  • Laura Hartley

    This is such an exciting haul!! I’m also incredibly excited that I’ve found another blogger of both books and films ^^ I really hated Clic for some reason.. I was quite young when I watched it, but I distinctly remember strongly disliking it.. I am also in love with your logo for this meme! It is soo cute :3 Think I’m going to start hosting this meme now too :)

    Your latest follower

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