Article,  Films

Monday’s Movie Musings


Monday’s Movie Musings is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts. The idea of this feature is to have all of my movie things occuring in one place. Whether it is a review, article, or something else, this feature will just be all about movies.

This week I am discussin my top five book to movie adaptations.

So the last Monday Movie post I wrote was about book-to-movie adaptations and so today I thought I would tell you all about my top five movie adaptations. These are films that I thoroughly enjoyed in spite of, or because of, the book.

Harry Potter 1 Film The Hunger Games Film Sherlock Holmes Film
the kite runner film the perks of being a wallflower film

  1. Harry Potter; All of the movie adaptations. I really just think that the movies brought the books to life in such a magical way. Sure, they’re not the best films in the world – especially the first few – but they were magic in their own ways.
  2. The Hunger Games; I found this to be an absolutely stunning adaptation. It showed you more of the world than the books could while also staying fairly true to the books. It was intense and exciting, everything it should have been.
  3. Sherlock Holmes; There are so many different adaptations of Sherlock but I absolutely love this one. It is funny, intriguing and full of mystery. Besides, RDJ is just… yum!
  4. The Kite Runner; I actually watched the film first and then read the book but I was blown away by the film and when I read the book, I couldn’t help but love it as well. It really showed that the film had managed to capture everything so well.
  5. Perks of Being a Wallflower; I actually really didn’t enjoy the book for this one but the film was really fun and enjoyable and I really liked it. This is the perfect example of a film that can make a book seem so much better.

so there you have it! My top five adaptations!
What are your favourite adaptations? Do you agree with any of my choices?

*sidenote*; I have probably forgotten some amazing films, such as all the fairytale adaptations but it’s 6.30am soo…



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