My Mourning Year by Andrew Marshall
My Mourning Year by Andrew Marshall
Hello All!
Today is my spot on My Mourning Year blog tour! I was supposed to be sharing with you all my review of the book but sadly due to my new job, I have not had a chance to finish the book yet. Also, it is the kind of book that I do not want to rush through because it is already so powerful and moving and I want to do the book justice.
Thus instead I am here to tell you a little bit more about the book, a little bit about the author and to point you in the direction of other bloggers on the tour!
About the Book

About the Author

His plays have been performed at the West Yorkshire Playhouse (Coming Around Again) and have toured all over the UK (Caruso and the Quake, Caruso and the Monkey House Trial, Madam Butterfly Returns). In 1985, he was selected and trained by Relate as a couple counsellor but is now in private practice.