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My Thoughts on… 13th Reality: The Journal of Curious Letters

My Thoughts on… 13th Reality: The Journal of Curious Letters by James Dashner

Hello All!

Today is my stop on 13th Reality blog tour and I am here today with my thoughts on the book and why I think you should be giving it a read yourself! I’m also taking part in the tag and I tag whoever else wants to do it too!

About the book

What if every time you made a choice that had a significant consequence, a new, alternate reality was created — the life that would’ve been had you made the other choice? What if those new realities were in danger? What if it fell to you to save all the realities?

Atticus Higginbottom, a.k.a. Tick, is an average thirteen-year-old boy until the day a strange letter arrives in his mailbox. Postmarked from Alaska and cryptically signed with the initials “M.G.,” the letter informs Tick that dangerous — perhaps even deadly — events have been set in motion that could result in the destruction of reality itself. M.G. promises to send Tick twelve riddles that will reveal on a certain day, at a certain time, at a certain place, something extraordinary will happen. Will Tick have the courage to follow the twelve clues M.G. sends to him? Will he be able to solve the riddles in time? Will Tick discover the life he was meant to live?

Goodreads. Amazon UK.

My Thoughts

One of the best things about reading is when you find a book that you simply cannot put down because it is addictive and interesting. This is exactly how I found The 13th Reality: Journal of Curious Letters. From the very first chapter until the last, I found it difficult to put the book down. And even when I did, I would find that I was both itching to continue reading and thinking about everything that was going on. There are 12 clues that appear throughout the book so even when I wasn’t reading, I had to admit I was trying to solve the clues which was a fun little extra part to the book. I can definitely see a lot of children absolutely loving this.

On top of that, this book also has a very interesting and fascinating world around it too. The concept of realities is very clever and I love how James Dashner gives us little bits of information without giving it all to us at once. I definitely want to know more about all of the different realities and would love to one day visit them – you know, when fictional travel is possible! I also thought the action and suspense of this book worked really well. Throughout the book, you’re reminded of the danger that our main protagonist, Tick, may have to face and danger he definitely gets into! It helped to make this book fast paced and interesting.

As though that’s not enough, the characters in this book are absolutely thrilling too. I loved Tick and thought he made a fantastic protagonist. He was such a nerdy, smart kid and it’s so good to see books with those people at centre stage. Edgar, his father, was also a wonderful character. It is so wonderful to see such a supportive parent too! We definitely need more of that in books. Then you had Sofia who was fiesty and competitive, such a fascinating character. Last but not least the wonderful and intriguing characters from the other realities too, as well as M. G himself! This book is just full of vibrant and unique characters and I would love to be introduced to more as the series continues.

In case you’re unaware, I absolutely loved this book from start to finish. It was addictive, action-filled and full of mystery and intrigue. It was imaginative and creative and I just really enjoyed reading it and learning more about all of the characters and realities. I loved the clues and how they all came together. I loved trying to work it out with Tick but I will be honest and say I never got them before he did! I cannot wait to see what else this series brings and will be getting my hands on the next books as soon as I can. So if you’re looking for an interesting, fast paced and brilliant fantasy novel, definitely make sure you give this book a read!

The Tag

1) Is it cheating to say the Oxford Dictionary? ;)

2) Going to have to go with Am I Normal Yet by Holly Bourne!

3) Got to be Harry Potter, right?

4) Gonna be cheeky and say This Book Is Gay by Juno Dawson (At least a rainbow of colours!)

5) This one is a tough one but I think I want to say Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

6) Oooh, what an interesting question! I think I’ll go with Breathless by Brigid Kemmerer. Nick has the most awesome supernatural power of control the water element!

7) Ah, I love winter so I have to choose a wintry book! Perhaps The Christmas Promise by Sue Moorcroft.

8) I have always wanted to be Hermione Granger’s best friend so we’re going to go with Harry Potter for this one too!

9) This has to be Star Friends by Linda Chapman – because I NEED a Star Friend for sure.

10) I’m not a big historical fan and the future can sometimes be really scary in books so this was difficult but I think I might go with… Catching Falling Stars by Karen McCombie. It would be scary living through World War 2 but possibly the best of some time periods.

11) So I think, even though it’s still recent I am going to have to go with Wonder by R. J. Palacio. It is just so poignant and perfect, you know?

12) According to Goodreads it is Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor at 613 pages long!

13) This is not a nice question at all! I don’t know if I could ever read just ONE book but I would probably have to go with Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone. It’s not an absolute favourite but I really connect with the main character and she helps me to feel less alone which would be needed I think!

Follow the Tour

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