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My Thoughts On… Frostfire by Jamie Smith

My Thoughts On… Frostfire by Jamie Smith

Hi All!
Today is my stop on the blog tour for Frostfire and I am here today with a review of this wonderful book.

Title: Frostfire
Author: Jamie Smith
Publisher: Chicken House
Published: 1st November 2018
Pages: 288
Format: Paperback
Source:: Review Copy from publisher
Add It: Amazon UK Goodreads.
Chosen for the honour of bonding with a frostsliver – a fragment of the sentient glacier that crests her icy home – Sabira embarks on the dangerous pilgrimage to the top of the mountain. But when a huge avalanche traps her on the glacier and destroys the pass, Sabira is determined to find another way home. In order to survive, she must face up to the merciless mountain – but there are dark and fiery secrets hiding in its depths …

Memorable, original world-building and an icy, Tibetan-themed setting combine in a truly stand-out middle-grade adventure.

My Thoughts

It’s been a while since I read a book that truly enraptured me. This is one that did just that. I was transported to this new world from the very first moment and felt so many emotions until I finally finished the book. I was captured by Sabira and her spirit of being. I felt for her. I urged her on and I wished that everything would be okay for her. This book is a very enjoyable book that you do not want to miss. It pulled me in and kept me enraptured until the very end. It is fast-paced, heart-racing and a book that is full of survival and strength. I honestly really enjoyed this book and think that you are likely to feel the same way too!

Sabira felt like she knew the world but early on the book, her view shifts as she realizes that everything isn’t what she thought it once was. But determined not to let the world destroy her, she claims her destiny and walks upon the mountain of her home life to claim her piece of Frostsliver. She is one of over a hundred who has been chosen because she is the right person to bond with the mountain – their heritage. But it isn’t all as easy as that. This book follows as her journey becomes distraught with natural and man-made disasters – as relisation strikes upon her and she becomes a heroine in every sense of the word.

In case you haven’t caught on, Sabira is one hell of a strong character. But she doesn’t start out that way. At the beginning of the book she is unsure of herself, her future and the future of her people. She wants to be strong, she wants to help them survive but she is also deeply afraid. Over the course of the book, she grows so much and I know that a lot is due to what was thrown at her but it was wonderful to see how much inner strength she actually had. She was a true heroine and a wonderful character to read about. I cheered her on throughout the book and absolutely loved reading about her journey.

So if you’re looking for a read that will grasp you from the start and allow you witness a character go from strength to strength throughout the book, make sure you pick this one up. It will take you on a true journey as one thing after another is thrown at Sabira on her quest. I really loved the setting of this book and the way the Frostsliver bonds with the host too. It added such a nice touch to the book. I also loved that there were a few twists thrown in there as well. All in all, this is an incredible read that you should really try and read if you can!

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