My Thoughts On… The Foolish King
My Thoughts On… The Foolish King by Mark Price and Martin Brown

Author: Mark Price, Martin Brown
Publisher: David Fickling Books
Published: 6th July 2017
Pages: 80
Format: Paperback
Source:: Review Copy
Add It: Goodreads, Amazon UK, Waterstones
LONG, LONG AGO, when kings ruled the land, dragons filled the sky and magic still existed, two small children stumbled upon the game of chess. This is your chance to discover it with them…
Join PIP and HOLLY on a magical fairy-tale adventure and become a CHESS MASTER.
Packed with INTERACTIVE PUZZLES and GAMES, and clear instructions and tips on how to improve your technique, this book is a must have.
My Thoughts
As a child I was a hardcore chess player. I had a digital chessboard (before the days of the internet and phones!) so that I could play against the computer as no one in my family played. I also belonged to the chess club in Primary school. I lived and breathed chess. Well, when I wasn’t reading anyway. So it may come as a bit of a shock to you to find out that I stopped playing at the age of eleven. I started secondary school and I just found other things to spend my time doing and chess fell to the wayside.
Nowadays, if you ask me to play Chess with you, it is more than likely that I will lose. I barely remember the rules, let alone any strategic moves that I may have learnt when I was younger. So when I was asked to review this book, I jumped at the chance. It seemed the perfect opportunity to remember the rules and re-learn some strategies that I once knew.
And I am so glad I did.
The Foolish King is such a fun and entertaining way to learn chess. Because not only is it an educational read, it is also a story too. In this book, the main protagonists must find a way to save their kingdom from crumbling. In the end, they find out about this weird and wonderful strategic game called Chess. The book, still in story mode, tells the reader how the game works and then gives you hints and clues on the best moves to make and what to keep an eye on with the other player’s moves.
I am certain that if my peers had had this book when we were younger, a lot more people would have found chess to be entertaining and fun – which it is, obviously. I think this is a brilliant book for both adults and children alike to learn the rules and strategies of chess and is a really interesting take on learning how to play. Last, but certainly not least, the most wonderful thing is that there is also a website so you can practice after you’ve learnt to! You can find it here.