Books,  Writing

NaNo WriMo!

Hey Guys!

So, I thought I would make a post here to let you all know that this year I am competing in the wonderful competition known as NaNo WriMo.

But what is it? I hear some of you cry! Well, NaNo WriMo stands for; National Novel Writing Month. Which means I will be attempting to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. (November). So in 30 days, I should hopefully have a glorious finished novel! This is an exciting thing for me but it will not be my first finished novel! It will, however, only be my second.

And, since I finished the first one during Camp NaNo WriMo in the month of August, I found it to be fairly easy time wise as I didn’t have to compete with university work or actual work. So, this november while I’m juggling uni work and actual work as well as blogging and reading, I am attempting to write my own story as well. I may just be a complete and utter loonatic, who knows?

Anyway, I thought I’d post this on here to let you guys know that if my reviews go down by the wayside or I seem to suddenly disappear completely from the world that I am in fact probably just locking myself in my room to write, write and write a little bit more. But, I am also posting this because I could probably do with as much support as I could possibly get! It’s not an easy feat writing so many words in so little a time and I really, really want to do it!

So wish me luck!
And, if any one else is doing it, let me know because I’d love to talk with you, help support you and witness your progress! =D



  • Brodie

    Good luck with your writing this NaNo!! I really wish I had taken the time to get some things in order plot wise this month, because I would have loved to take part. But I have serious issues with NEEDING a complex outline – I can’t write until I know all the details, all the worldbuilding and character motivations. I’m still very much in planning mode. So hopefully next year!

    But I will definitely be supporting all you awesome writers going for the 50k mark over the next few weeks. Have fun! <3

  • Faye

    Awwh, next year for definite you must do it! I shall be badgering you from August to make sure you have your planning SORTED :D

    And thankies for the support lovely <3

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