
Netgalley November Update #2



Hey Guys!
Can you believe that the second week of November is already over? Seriously… when did that happen?


As it is now the third friday of the month I am sharing with you all how my goals for this event are going.


So, I set out to read 4-6 books for this challenge, and I also want to try to get my statistics up to at least 45%. It’s nowhere near what it needs to be but it should be a start.


In this second week I have still only read ONE book. I am now 70% done with reading;


I was planning to finish this book on Wednesday but while it is a book that is totally gripping me, I’ve also been on the verge of a reading slump with my brain telling me I could be doing better things (what?)
To counter-act that, I started the first re-read I have ever done since blogging! I am reading the audiobook of Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone!
I also finished the non-netgalley book I was reading last week!

My stats are at 37.5% so I still have a little way to go before I reach 45%.

And that’s all of my progress report complete! How are you doing with your goals?
Feel free to simply comment below or add your post link to the linky!
I will do my best to visit and comment on everyone’s updates!



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