Noughts & Crosses Read-a-Long Discussion; Checkmate!

Noughts And Crosses Read-a-long
This month, as you may know, I have been hosting a Noughts and Crosses read-a-long with the aim of reading the whole series in a month! However, I’ve also said it’s okay just to read one book (or even just two or three!).
March 1st – 7th; Read Noughts and Crosses
March 8th – 14th; Read Knife Edge
March 15th – 22nd; Read Checkmate
March 23rd – 31st; Read Double Cross
On the last day of the books being read (7th, 14th, 22nd, 31st), I’ll be posting discussion questions (and answers) for all the participants to talk about the books – if they wish! It is not a mandatory aspect of joining the read-a-long.
Throughout the month, we can all communicate with each other via the hashtag; #readosandxs
Now, as the second week of March is over and it is the 15th, it is time to discuss the second book in the Noughts and Crosses series!
You can find the discussion questions for the first book here.
You can find the discussion questions for the second book here.
Below I have posted some questions that you can all answer in the comments below! Also, feel free to respond to other people’s comments as well. Let’s make this into a proper discussion!
Any and all deflamatory, derogatory, or just plain insulting comments will be removed from this blog.
I know discussions can get heated, but I will not tolerate abuse at me or at other people.
- What are your initial thoughts on the book? If it’s your first time reading it, did you enjoy it? If you’ve read it before, was the experience and emotions you felt different this time?
- There are more characters in this one than in previous books, how did that affect your reading of the book? Was it a good change or a bad one?
- The time frame of this one jumps from the present to the past continuously throughout the book, what did you think about this style?
- How do you feel about Callie-Rose’s progression in this book?
- If this is your first time reading the book, how did you feel about the ending? If this is a re-read, did the ending feel as powerful as before?
- If you haven’t yet read it, what are your predications of what will happen in Double Cross?
- Anything else you’d like to add?
My Answers
- I think Checkmate really grabbed me when I first started reading it again. I couldn’t quite remember what happened in this book and this definitely throws you straight into the action! As the book continued I did start to remember more of it but I still found myself getting surprised every now and again. But mostly, what I loved about this re-read was reconnecting with the characters and just feeling all of their emotions again. I’d forgotten just how powerful this book was and was incredibly grateful to be reminded!
- It made the book longer but I also think every character was just so necessary! I loved that we got it from lots of different points of view as well. I know that for some people it might seem like it was just a bit too much to take in and deal with and may pull them away from the story, but personally I really enjoyed having all the different characters to read about! Made the whole book very entertaining.
- I absolutely loved the time jumping! The one issue I had was that at the end, I wanted to return to the beginning because I was having vague thoughts about what happened then but I remembered enough, but aside from that, I loved it. It helped to keep the tension high. I was also enjoying reading the past while also itching to know what else was going to happen in the future, and I just loved the way they were all linked with what was actually happening. Definitely the write kind of style for me!
- One of the things that Malorie Blackman is a champion at doing is creating characters that are ingrained in reality. They have complex lives, complex thoughts, complex emotions that just make them seem so real. Callie-Rose is no exception to this and I just loved her story and the way that things came together. Life isn’t simple and it isn’t easy, and this was really shown through Callie and made this book just such a great one. I really like how and who Callie was at the end of the book and cannot wait to see what else is in store!
- I think the ending of this book will always be powerful simply because it is. No matter how many times I read it, it will probably still affect me. I think it is a brilliant ending and one that just ties everything up. It works so well with the title and just, I love the relationships at the end. It’s just so beautiful and brilliant. Really.
- I’ve read the book so I’ll leave this unanswered.
- I’m really looking forward to reading the fourth and final book in this series – but also a bit anxious about it too because then it will all be over again!