Books,  Four Stars,  Review,  YA

Novella Review; Fearless by Brigid Kemmerer

fearlessAuthor: Brigid Kemmerer
Publisher: Kennsington
Published: July 31st 2012
Pages: 59
Format: ebook
Source:: Bought from Amazon
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Being a force of nature doesn’t keep you safe. Hunter Garrity is used to watching his back. The kids at school sense something different about him. And they’re right.

Hunter has powers that have nothing to do with how hard he can throw a punch.

Maybe that’s what Clare Kasten is picking up. She’s shy, quiet, and intense, but she’s sought him out. There’s no telling what she wants from him.

But Hunter knows enough to sense a secret when it’s close. And getting close to Clare is a danger he’s ready to face

If Someone Doesn’t

If there is one series that I have been reading and loving continuously, it has been the Elemental series by Brigid Kemmerer. So, when I found out that she had released a novella between book one and two, I knew that I simply had to read it. Once more, I was swayed by Brigid’s powerful words which drew me into the story and kept me there. This was just a short snippet of what is to come but it was written incredibly well and really got me excited for Spirit.

Believe In You

This novella is from the perspective of Hunter. It is before he met the Merrick brothers and is just a little background into what his life was like before. It was a story of the perfect length as it gave you an idea of who Hunter was and how he became the way he was later on. It was interesting to read, enjoyable, and the perfect little novella to keep you going while you wait, in agony for the next book to finally reach your hands. It is the perfect teaser for what is on the horizon in the third book, Spirit.

Do You Give Up?

Personally, I never really liked Hunter from the first two books. (Yes, I read the series out of order but it is possible to do that so it’s okay!) Really it was only because I didn’t really know him. You never see a lot of him in the books to really bond with him. You do get to see a bit more of him in the second book and I can see how I might grow to like him a bit more but I just never really thought of him. After reading Fearless, however, I’m really quite intrigued by him and cannot wait to read an entire book from his perspective. He’s a guy who has had a lot to deal with in his life and just wants to be seen and to make his father proud.

Or Continue Fighting?

I could write another gushing paragraph about the amazing and talented Brigid Kemmerer but I really don’t want all of my reviews to sound exactly the same, but I will just repeat that she is incredible and I am in awe of her writing skills. She always manages to bring her characters to life and make their problems, fears, and worries to the surface, practically forcing you to fall in love with them. This is definitely what happened to me with this novel and is one of the many reasons why I liked it so much. I have finally seen a side of Hunter that I really like and cannot wait to see where else he may lead me. If you’re a fan of the series, I would definitely recommend this novella to keep you sated until Spirit is finally released. If you’re not a fan, then you should definitely start reading! You can see the links to all the reviews of the books from this series below!

Four Stars

Series Reviews
Elemental (0.5)
Storm (1)
Spark (2)


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