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Pick a Word and Pass It On Tag

Pick a Word and Pass it On Tag

I wasn’t tagged by anyone specifically, but I saw Danielle from Life of a Literary Nerd do this and she tagged anyone to do it so I thought I’d join in! This tag was created by Life Has a Funny Way Of Sneaking Upon You. Make sure you go check out both of their blogs!

Here are the rules:

1. You can either take the word the person who tagged you used, or you can pick your own.

2. You must list all the books on your read list which include that word in either the title or the author.

3. Tag some friends and pass it on!

Danielle used the word QUEEN. I wanted to do something a little differently so I asked my sister to give me a word and she chose HOME.

Books I’ve Read

I’ll be Home for Christmas
I absolutely loved this book! It was a great YA collaboration of short stories that were gripping and interesting. I would definitely recommend it!

Books on TBR

The Way Back Home by Allan Stratton
I’ve been meaning to pick this one up as it sounds really good but just haven’t had the time. I also haven’t read his other book yet either.

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
I have wanted to read this book FOR AGES but just seem to keep putting it off. I even decided to just give in and see the movie before reading the book. I thought the film was interesting so now I really need to read the book!

Sing you Home by Jodi Picoult
I am a HUGE Picoult fan and so this cropped onto my TBR when I was a teenager and has since been sitting unread on my shelves. Shameful, I know. But hopefully I’ll get to it at some point…

The Long Ride Home by Tawni Waters
This is a new addition to my TBR thanks to the wonderful (and disastrous) Netgalley. I’m looking forward to reading it as I absolutely love road trip books!

Looks like I need to get some reading done, eh?


So I’m really bad at tagging people so the first thing I want to say is that if you want to do this tag then I am tagging you! Otherwise, here are the people I am tagging:

1) Amy at Golden Books Girl

2) Charlotte at Charlotte Somewhere

3) Louise at Book Murmuration

4) Zoe at No Safer Place

5) Bex from Bexyish

What’s your favorite book with home in the title or author’s name? Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them? Or is there any I should be adding to my TBR straight away?

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