Books,  Review-A-Thon,  Update

Ready, Set, Review-A-Thon! – Updates #2!


Hello fellow Review-A-Thon-ers!
Welcome to the second update post.
This is basically just a post where I will let you all know how it’s going so far for me and then there is a linky list at the bottom for you to add your updates too! Feel free to just update your goal posts and link them below :-)

What was my target?
20 reviews

How many have I written this week?
3 reviews

How many have I written altogether?
6 reviews

What reviews?
Crusher by Niall Leonard
Flesh by Khanh Ha
Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross
Spook House by Michael West
Undertow by Callie Kingston
The Traitors by Tom Becker

Reviews Left?
14 reviews

Once again, I am disappointed in how many reviews I found the time to write, especially since my NaNo hasn’t been going anywhere and I’ve read more books this week but I got ill and just haven’t had the motivation to spend too much time on the laptop. I’m really hoping this will change next week!
I hope I can write seven reviews this week, and then the final seven in the final week. Fingers crossed for me?

Also, we will hopefully be sorting out the times of the Twitter Chat this week, and we will notify all participants STRAIGHT away!

And, in case you missed it, I also wrote a guest post on Review Writing, here
Upcoming this week are two more guest posts as well on Tuesday and Thursday!

How are you all doing?


  • Heather H.

    Sorry you weren’t able to write as many reviews as would have liked, but I’m still impressed! Six is a lot, especially when you factor in your sickness. Plus, reviews can be just plain hard to write sometimes. I used to run a review blog, but eventually had to give it up since I just couldn’t keep up. So, congrats on writing as much as you have so far!

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