
Running & Fitness: My November Story

Running & Fitness

When I first had the idea to talk about my running & fitness, I was certain that I would tell you all how well I was doing and how proud I am of myself but instead, I’m here to tell you the exact opposite and have thus decided to make this a monthly post so that I can honestly look at my life and change what I feel needs to be changed. Plus, if I know that I have to blog about my efforts at the end of it all, I might be more motivated to do things so that I don’t look like a fool to you all.

So in October I was doing well. I had joined my local gym, I was getting back into running and I was eating better and feeling better about myself. I was determined to get my fitness back on track after a rocky summer due to injuries and how busy I had been. I felt so determined in October and I was sure that November was going to be just as good.

But instead I am sitting here on the 30th November struggling to remember whether I have actually done any exercise this month. And that actually scares me.

And so I have already got a schedule for the first two weeks of December and I am hoping to continue for the second two weeks. Mostly because I know I am probably going to eat more food than I need to over the holidays because it’s nice to indulge every once in a while!

The Plan

So, because I like plans, I’m giving myself one to then look back on at the end of the month and see how well things have gone. I’m hoping this well be the kick up the back side that I need to finally get my fitness back.

– I aim to do four or five days of exercise each week
– This will be a mix of running, swimming, gym and exercise classes
– To get back onto the horse as quickly as I can once I’ve fallen off of it

The Goals

Because this is to get my fitness level back up – so I can stop huffing and puffing everywhere I go, this is my plan for where I’d like my fitness level to be at the end of the month.

– To be able to run for 45mins without stopping
– To be able to swim 40 lengths in 30mins
– To be able to climb the three flights of stairs at work without feeling like I’m dying
– To try and lose half a stone

So… let’s do this!

Do you have any fitness plans or goals for December?


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