
Series Week – Introduction

Hey Guys!
So, as of tomorrow I am going on vacation! I have to admit that I am incredibly excited about it, even if it may interupt my studies slightly!
I will be gone for one week and while I will have internet access, I really don’t want to be worrying about my blog! Therefore, I have decided, instead, to give you a week of guest posts!
Everyone who will be posting is awesome and I can’t thank them enough for helping me out with this! Some are bloggers, I think I have one author and one fellow aspiring writer (who is amazing at writing, btw) but I will introduce them all to you with their posts and give you a way to continue contacting or following them! :)
For this week, I have given them all the prompt of “series”. What they have decided to write about in relation to this topic has been entirely up to them and I hope you enjoy their posts as much as I did!
So, since it was my idea to go with this topic, I am going to start with a post of my own on this subject. Hopefully this will set up the mood and style of all the other posts as well!
Serial books are so hard to ignore when it comes to YA literature. Since being introduced, or rather, re-introduced to YA, the first thing I noticed was just how many series there were out there! It was that large reminder of just how much I had missed and how much I had to catch up on.  
That being said, I have to admit that I wasn’t really a big ‘fan’ of serial books. Harry Potter was probably the last series I read (completed!) and enjoyed (I did read Twilight but did not like it!)
The problem was, I didn’t want to start a series that would take too long to get through, I’m thinking Morganville Vampires here (which, ironically, I have started), or that I just wouldn’t finish. (Like Anne Rices’ Vampire Chronicles or Kelly Armstrong’s Women of the Otherworld). 
I just didn’t want to get too bogged down in books that I simply had to continue reading.
But then… I read The Hunger Games
Now, not only was this trilogy amazing, it made me realise exactly what I would be missing if I just didn’t read any serial books. Could I live with myself if I didn’t read The Iron King? or Bridger? or Meeting Destiny? or Divergent?
Probably not!
Therefore I have much love and thanks to give Suzanne Collins and The Hunger Games Trilogy for they showed me how to get passed my fear of series. I still do get a little jittery and cautious around new series, as I’m already so far behind but I’m certainly getting much better at persuading myself to just bite my tongue and read it anyway.
Afterall, I wouldn’t not watch a film because it had a sequel, would I? And I watch new TV programmes too. So, why not serial books?
That being said, I do still really enjoy single books, ones that you can read without being left with a horrible cliffhanger that makes you want to continue straight away, and is torturous when you don’t have the next book beside you!
What are your thoughts? Do you like series books? Or do you prefer stand alone ones?
And do you have any good series you’ve read lately that you would, without a doubt, recommend I try? Series that will help really get out of my fear of all things series related?


  • Melissa

    So many great series in this post!

    I have not finished the Twilight Series yet, I still have Breaking Dawn left to read. I haven’t read the Hunger Games but it’s on my list.

    As for series to recommend, I’d recommend The Friday Night Knitting Club series. It’s not great, but it’s pretty good. Also, if you’re into paranormal there’s this great series that a friend told me about, The Midnighters series by Scott Westerfield.
    If you’re into Wicca at all, there’s a great series by Cate Tiernan the Sweep series. I’ve only read about half that series so far but I really enjoy them.

    Then of course there’s Pretty Little Liars. PLL totally sucked me in.

    Another great series, (so far) is the All Souls trilogy by Deborah Harkness. I read the first book earlier this year and am so excited for the second to come out this summer. It’s been described as Twilight for adults. I know you said you didn’t like Twilight, but this is really a great story.

    I started writing this comment thinking I had only one series to recommend and it turns out I have much more, lol.

    • Daydreaming_Star

      Ah, that’ll be why you still like it then! ;) I enjoyed Twilight until I read the fourth book, so enjoy that. Haha. It ruined the entire series… but not for everyone so I’ll stop talking and let you enjoy it! Sorry! LOL.

      Thank you for all the GLORIOUS recommendations! They’re all greatly appreciated! :D Yeeee.

      Ohh.. and you MUST read THG, maybe before the film, get to it NOW. haha. :D

      Thanks for commenting Melissa! :)

  • The Sagacity Quest

    I’m ashamed to say that I’ve not read any of those series. I do have HP series, Divergent and The Hunger Games though. I’m hoping to read more series books instead of standalone novels this year. Thanks for sharing.

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