Thriller-a-thon TBR!
Thriller-A-Thon TBR! It’s almost time for the Thriller-A-Thon to begin! It is starting tomorrow and runs until 25th August! As it’s starting tomorrow, I wanted to share with you all what I hope to read this week. I’m still participating…
N.E.W.Ts Magical Read-a-Thon; My TBR
N.E.W.Ts Magical Read-a-Thon; My TBR Hello All! I’m here today to tell you all about the amazing readathon that I discovered a few days ago, N.E.W.T.s Magical Read-a-thon! So it all started in April with the O.W.Ls read-a-thon and is…
Bout of Books Challenge: Rewrite the Story
Hey all! Today I am pleased to let you know that I’m hosting a challenge for Bout of Books! There is no prize for participating, I’m afraid, but I thought this would be fun for those creative types out there.…