Books,  Four Stars,  Review,  YA

The Castle by Sophia Bennett

The Castle by Sophia Bennett

Title: The Castle
Author: Sophia Bennett
Publisher: Chicken House
Published: 7th August 2014
Pages: 300
Format: Ebook
Source:: Library Copy
Add It: Goodreads, Amazon UK, Waterstones

A search for the truth about her father’s death takes schoolgirl Peta Jones to a dangerous place …

It’s not just the bridesmaid’s dress that Peta has a problem with – it’s the whole wedding. How can her mum remarry when her army-hero dad isn’t dead? When Peta receives clues that seem to prove he’s alive, she sets out on a crazy mission. Somewhere across the sea, her father’s being held in a billionaire’s castle. Dad would do anything to save her – and now it’s her turn to rescue him.

You Just

Sophia Bennett is an author who definitely deserves more recognition than she gets. She’s a truly talented writer and I have yet to read a book of hers that I haven’t really enjoyed. All of her books focus on character development and as you may well know, this is one of my favourite things about reading. I love when a book really looks at characters and strengthens them in some way. While there are no books by Sophia Bennett that I dislike, I do hope you’ll still take this as a high recommendation for a very addictive, intense and intriguing read.

Have To

In all honesty, I was a little put off the book at the beginning. I wasn’t entirely sure it was going to be a good read and I nearly put it down and walked away but I am so, so glad that I didn’t. While this book has a little bit of a slow start, it gets so much better as the book continues. The book is essentially like a spy novel and I wasn’t expecting that at all but I absolutely loved it. The book is full of action, tense moments and tricky situations that keep your attention glued to the book – especially once your heart becomes invested in the characters! It all ends with a very interesting conclusion as well. Needless to say Sophia Bennett has created a true page turner here.

Go Against

As mentioned above, one of the reasons I have always loved Sophia Bennett‘s books is because of the characters and The Castle is no different. There are so many wonderful and vibrant characters in this book. There’s Peta who while making some mistakes that could potentially lead her to danger or trouble was also very brave, strong and tactical. She was emotional and caring and sweet as well. A true character and a fantastic protagonist. And then there was Karim who was just the most marvellous character ever. He was a real treasure in the book and was one of the main reasons I continued to read. Alongside Karim was his sister Amina and honestly, I would recommend the book just because of these two! They were so vibrant and unique and I thought they were both just fantastic.

The Flow Sometimes

All in all, I very much enjoyed The Castle and would definitely recommend it to others. I would definitely suggest it if you like spy teen novels like Sarah Sky‘s Model Spy series! It is a fast-paced entertaining read full of characters that you are sure to fall in love with – just like I did. So if you’re a fan of Sophia Bennett or want to become a fan, do make sure you pick this book up and give it a read!

Four Stars


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