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The Daydreamer’s Readathon {12th – 14th July}

The Daydreamer’s Readathon {12th – 14th July}

Hi Guys!

I am announcing this really late because I only really decided to do this last week. I’m not sure if anyone else will join me but it’s okay either way.

The Daydreamer’s Readathon is happening THIS weekend because it is my birthday on the 14th and I am planning to basically read the weekend away anyway so I thought why not see if anyone wants to join me!

The readathon is going to be very casual because I have not had a lot of time to plan but I’m hoping I might be able to do a little twitter chat on the Saturday evening and I will be sharing my updates on Twitter over the weekend as well. (So if you’re participating and want to join some reading sprints, do let me know!)

The readathon is culminating on 14th July with a Reading Party at my best friend’s house. We will be reading together and reading the day away so if you want to virtually join us – let us know. We can work something out – perhaps a little WhatsApp group for sprints?

As I say, this isn’t very well planned but is basically just an excuse to read for an entire weekend!

The Tiers

If you will be joining us, it would be great if you could choose what tier you’re hoping to aim for – because who doesn’t love a readathon with Challenges!

The Easy Daydreamer – 1 – 3 books.

The Busy Daydreamer – 3 – 6 books.

The Hardcore Daydreamer – 6+ books

If enough people join in, I will probably run a little giveaway for everyone who reaches their target too!

The Times

This will be starting at 00:01 on Friday 12th July (in your own timezone) until 23:39 on Sunday 14th July.

You can read as much or as little as you want!

What Should I Read?

Anything you want! Want to read YA? Go for it! Want to read a good Thriller? Get on that!

You can also read in ANY FORMAT you want. Prefer to join in with audiobooks? Do it!

The Hashtag

To keep up to date with everything, do make sure to follow #DaydreamersReadathon on Twitter and Insta!

How to Join

All you need to do is either comment below, shout out on Twitter or Instagram or create your very own blog post sharing your TBR!

My Goal and TBR

I am planning to try and be a BUSY DAYDREAMER. This will be a bit of a challenge as I am a very slow reader but I’m hoping that I can get at least 3 books read!

And these are the books I will be choosing from:

Which ones do you think I should definitely read?

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