Books,  Top Ten

The Top Gems in my TBR Pile…


This was supposed to be my top ten tuesday post but I wrote down the topic wrong and ended up with a different meaning for the topic entirely and since I already had the photos and the book lists ready, I just decided to carry on with my topic. (I’m also too tired to think about the actual topic) That means that today you get see the ten books on my TBR that I’m really looking forward to reading. The books I plan to read over the next few months.


The Moth in the Mirror and Unhinged by A. G. Howard; These books are being counted as one as one is technically a novella. I am SUPER excited to read these! I ADORED Splintered and cannot wait to dive into this world again. A. G. Howard is an exceptional writer. Yes, she is.

Something Strange and Deadly by Sarah Dennard; Ahhhh! Talk about crazy excitement! I’ve wanted to read this book for like TWO YEARS so to finally have my hands on the book is like… exceptional and I’ll be starting this one ASAP.

The Year of the Rat by Claire Furniss; Been wanting to read this one ever since I heard about it from Simon and Schuster! It sounds so great and the excerpt really pulled me in. Seriously hoping to get to this one SOON.

Shadowplay The Almost Girl Love Letters to the Dead

Eversea by Natasha Boyd; This one has come HIGHLY recommended by a few people now and I am sooo looking forward to finally cracking into it!

Shadowplay by Laura Lam; How have I not got to this one yet? I am still itching to read this and find out what happens next in this story! Hope to get to it fairly soon!

The Almost Girl by Amelie Howard; Again, what? Why is this STILL on my pile. I need to get this sorted ASAP bucause this book sounds so fantastic.

Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira; A new one to my collection but one I am still really excited for. It looks super interesting and right up my street. I seem to be in a contemporary kick or something.

The Moment Before by Suzy Vitello; This one had me hooked from the get go and I really cannot wait to dive into it and see what it is all about. Hopefully be getting to this one shortly.


Trouble by Non Pratt; Ahhhh! WANT. TO. READ. THIS. NOW. But I’m being good and waiting a little longer with this one. It’s not out until March and if I get too excited about it too soon, well, the world will surely collapse? Haha.

Never Ending by Martyn Bedford; Doesn’t it just sound brilliant? Can’t wait to jump into this one and I’ll be doing so hopefully before the end of the month and before the books release!


And that is the lot!
What books are you looking forward to on your TBR? Or you’know, feel free to link me to your ACTUAL Top Ten Tuesday posts!



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