Books,  Five Stars,  Review,  YA

Throne of Glass Novellas by Sarah J. Maas

Author: Sarah J. Maas
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Published: January 13th 2012
Pages: 63
Format: Kindle
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Summary: (From Goodreads)

On a remote island in a tropical sea, Celaena Sardothien, feared assassin, has come for retribution. She’s been sent by the Assassin’s Guild to collect on a debt they are owed by the Lord of the Pirates. But when Celaena learns that the agreed payment is not in money, but in slaves, her mission suddenly changes—and she will risk everything to right the wrong she’s been sent to bring about.

five out of five hearts

This was a great short read that really showed who Celaena is and what she does. It is interesting and compelling and I really enjoyed the mission that she was sent on and the way that she reacted throughout the novella. I really believe that this novella showed a charming side of her and how she is stubborn and will do everything she can to get what she wants, no matter the consequences. I admired that about her. I also loved the depiction of her and Sam, and how this mission made them closer. It was so great to read and really had me rooting for the pair by the end. This little novella is one that I really do recommend you read as it has everything that you could want, action, a mission, tension and romance. All bundled into a short 63 pages! It doesn’t get much better than that.

Author: Sarah J. Maas
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Published: March 30th 2012
Pages: 86
Format: Kindle
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Summary: (from Goodreads)

The Silent Assassins of the Red Desert aren’t much for conversation, and Celaena Sardothien wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s not there to chatter, she’s there to hone her craft as the world’s most feared killer for hire. When the quiet is shattered by forces who want to destroy the Silent Assassins, Celaena must find a way to stop them, or she’ll be lucky to leave the desert alive.

five out of five hearts

Oh, I loved this one! I think that this one was actually probably my favourite of the three. Celaena is being punished for her actions in the first novella and is sent off into the desert alone to train with the silent assassins to become a better assassin herself. I really enjoyed her training, I enjoyed everything that happened to her while she was there and really felt myself growing attached to her as a character. She showed her vain side a lot in this one but she also showed her heart and protective nature and it just was so great. She should that she was loyal and great and that, above all else, she’s human. It was a brilliant read that I did really enjoy and felt it had so much going on within it, despite it only being a short and quick read. It is definitely worth the time though!

Author: Sarah J. Maas
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Published: May 1st 2012
Pages: 92
Format: Kindle
Add It: Goodreads,, 

Summary: (From Goodreads)

When the King of the Assassins gives Celaena Sardothien a special assignment that will help fight slavery in the kingdom, she jumps at the chance to strike a blow against an evil practice. The misson is a dark and deadly affair which takes Celaena from the rooftops of the city to the bottom of the sewer—and she doesn’t like what she finds there.

five out of five hearts
I really loved this one. It wasn’t nearly as intriguing as the first one, nor as exciting as the second but it was completely intense and interesting and really kept me turning the page. I could tell that certain things were going to happen which was a little annoying but it also just helped to show, once again, that Celaena is still only human. It was a great little novel and I absolutely adored the relationship between her and Sam in this one. It was so brilliant and heart-warming and really got me curious about it all. I loved how she acted around Arobynn and how it all ended in the end. Once again, for such a short novella, it really captured my interest and made me want to read more about these brilliant and inspiring characters. I loved getting to know more about Caelena and the reasons she is the way she is. A read I would recommend to just about anyone.

The Assassin and the Empire
This fourth novella I have yet to read for it is yet to be released – it is expected in July 2012 so not long to wait now! However I felt it was important to add something in about this one. I cannot wait to read it. I am honestly counting down the days until I can go ahead and purchase it. From going ahead and reading Throne of Glass, I know that I really need to know how it goes from Underworld to the situation in the novel. I need the blanks filled in! It is therefore with encouragement that I urge you to either read ALL four novellas before starting Throne of Glass or wait until after the novel to read them all.

Check back tomorrow for my review of Throne of Glass!


  • Braine Talk Supe

    Weee! I’ve never been this excited about a book in a long time! Even with Bared to You I wasn’t planning the post and week in advance.

    I want to read these novellas first before the novel and I am crossing my fingers that I’ll LOVE it.

    Wonderful post Faye!

  • Sarah (saz101)

    HOLY DUCKAMOLE. FAYE. THESE SOUND AMAZING. Throne of Glass is one of my single most OMG I’M DYING TO READ THIS EXCITING books of this year! I think I’ll read it first, then read these, but EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! AMAZEBALLS!

  • Brodie

    GAH. ASJKDFHABNSFJHAHNJ!!! Each rate FIVE shiny stars and EACH are JUST NOVELLAS?! Do you know how giddy I am to click on your Throne of Glass review right now? :D Even though I know your TOG review will blow me away, so have your novella ones and I am DETERMINED to read these!! I love how ‘human’ Caleana is shown, that she has genuine strengths and weaknesses that clearly come across well. Also very curious of this Sam guy will continue on as a potential love interest in TOG?


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