Top Ten Tuesday; Book Related Problems

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new topic is given and this weeks topic is Top Ten Book Related Problems I Have
I love this weeks topic and had a lot of fun coming up with my top ten. Hope you enjoy the post as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Too Much Choice
Seriously. I own so many books and I want to read them all as soon as possible – that makes it very hard to choose sometimes!
I’m a Slow Reader
This wouldn’t normally be a problem but with all those books I want to read… it definitely doesn’t help to keep on top of it all.
I don’t have enough bookshelves
I own too many books and not enough bookshelves. I now have piles of books and no idea what to do with them.
I’m a Mood Reader
Again, shouldn’t be a problem, but means I need to be in the right mood to even consider reading, let alone knowing what books I even want to read.
Half-Read Books
This goes with being a mood reader. I am in the middle of so many books, some that I stopped reading before I started blogging over three years ago… (good thing I have Finish it February!)
Bad Memory
I can remember what happens in so many books, I could even pick up those half-read books and just continue BUT when it comes to books I’ve read? Sometimes I forget the end, sometimes character names, sometimes I just forget the story and plot altogether…
The Chapter Habit
I find it very difficult to stop reading a book if I’m in the middle of a chapter. This makes journey’s by public transport very risky – and I often have to wait on the platform or bus stop after getting off to finsih the chapter before I continue my journey.
I Work in a Library
Wow. What a dream job! Yes, yes it is. But also, I’m surrounded by tempting books that I can’t read. It’s a little torturous when you think about it this way. I also have a full library ticket so I can’t even take more out…
I’d Rather be Reading
Really, one of the biggest problems is when you’re out with friends or family or at work and all you can think about it your current read and how much you just wish you were reading it instead.
All Books End
I mean, really, isn’t that just so rude? Right when you’re enjoying it so much and then BOOM, it’s over.
Brigid Amos
I’ve never worked in a library, but years ago I worked in an independent bookstore. Other than that, every single one of this symptoms is spot on for me. Maybe we should start a support group :-)
Caroline @Big Book Little Book
Lol I love these and sympathise with most, especially the habit books have of ending. I NEED to know what happens but why does it have to end?
Lisa @ Captivated Reader
Nice list of book related problems!! Here’s a link to my TTT for the week: