Top Ten Tuesday; Books I Wanted to Read in 2014 but Didn’t

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new topic is given and this weeks topic is Books I Wanted to Read in 2014 But Didn’t
There are so many books that come out and so many books already on my TBR that some books seem to slip through my fingers until I realise that the year has ended and I still haven’t read X, Y and Z! To narrow this list down slightly, these are all books I acquired last year but just didn’t manage to get to, despite how excited I was for them all.
Talon by Julie Kagawa; I was SUPER excited for this book and somehow, despite acquiring the book in May, I still haven’t read it. Hope to read it soon.
Deliverence by C. J. Redwine; This is the final book in this trilogy. I loved the first two books fiercly but they were also highly emotional. Turns out I didn’t have the strength to read this book last year. Hopefully that’ll change this year.
Trouble by Non Pratt; I have wanted to read this book for SO LONG and I have NO IDEA why I haven’t yet. I’ve heard such fab things and it sounds like a total me book and yet…
Falling into Place by Amy Zhang; I got this book at BEA and it was one I loved the sound of and couldn’t wait to read… but apparently I could! I really do hope to read this soon.
Anatomy of a Misfit by Andrea Porter; This one sounds so good and I’ve heard good things about it and yet I still haven’t gotten around to reading it. Sometimes I just wish their were more hours in the day to fit everything in!
The Cure For Dreaming by Cat Winters; There are not enough words in the dictionary to describe how excited I was for this book. I loved Cat’s first book SO MUCH. But then there were complications and so now the book is still just waiting to be read. Darnit!
The Rain by Virgina Bergin; I cannot believe I haven’t read this yet! I squealed when I got a copy, have met the author who is lovely, and think the story sounds amazing. But I still seem to keep missing this one.
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley; I don’t like history books and yet this one really caught my eye and I thought it was one I would have to read STRAIGHT AWAY. But I didn’t. Even with all the raving reviews, this book is still sitting unloved on my shelf. I must rectify that as soon as I can!
Shadowplay by Laura Lam; I got this book at the beginning of this year after a long and agonising wait. I was certain I would dive straight into it and love it TO PIECES. But no. I didn’t read it and then there was that awful news… I will read it soon but I think I need to know that the third one is nearly here when I do!
The 100 Society by Carla Spradberry; As soon as I heard about this book, I needed it in my life. It sounded like the perfect book for me. But somehow I still haven’t cracked open the pages and dived into this book. I hope I do it soon as I really do want to and have heard great things!
So those are the top ten BUT there are many more books I hoped to read last year, including but not limited to;
Glimpse, Walled City, Leaving Time, Rooms, Open Road Summer, Afterworlds, Broken Monsters
Great list! I have seven out of the ten titles you’ve picked that I didn’t quite get round to, although as I only bought Talon right at the end of the year I’m not counting it :)
Hope you get to read all of them soon!
Michelle (Fluttering Butterflies)
Trouble! I love that book but I waited a long time before reading it because I was nervous. I also love Shadowplay and Lies We Tell Ourselves. Good luck getting to all of these books :)
Kayleigh @ K-Books
I loved Trouble so much. One of my all time fave books. It’s absolutely phenomenal!