Top Ten Tuesday; Contemporary Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new topic is given and this weeks topic is Contemporary Reads.
So this weeks topic is actually top ten books from x genre. I have chosen contemporary and only when I was writing the list did I realise how hard this was going to be! There are so many GREAT contemporary books out there and I had to keep changing books to add the ones I really wanted to include. This list is a mix of MG, YA, NA and Adult books and is really just the tip of the iceberg on the amount of amazing contemp out there that I love and adore!
Black Heart Blue by Louisa Reid; This is one of those books that I read incredibly quickly and was so heart-wrenching and moving that it’s hard not to love. It is a powerful read that will pull on your heart and just make you fall in love with it. I promise.
Speechless by Hannah Harrington; and in turn Saving June as well. Hannah has a brilliant way of writing. She talks about sensitive subjects in a sensitive way and just manages to create characters that you would die for with plots that are full of heart and power.
Easy by Tammara Webber; I have so much love for this book. It was the first NA I read and made me truly believe that NA could be an amazing category. This book is deep, it is full of issues and it deals with them all sensitively. It is a truly inspiring read that you need to read if you haven’t yet had a chance!
Bird by Crystal Chan; There are not enough words in the english dictionary for how much I loved this book. It is incredibly powerful, heart-wrenching, moving, sensational… I could just go on and on. But really, all I need to say is that you need to read it. It will be worth it, I promise.
My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult; All of Jodi’s books are pretty spectacular but this one blew me away completely. I was hooked on this story from the first page until the very last one. The story is sensational and emotional and will just attack all of your senses in the best way (and I advise not reading the ending on a train!). It is also so much more than the film paints it as!
P. S. I Love You by Celia Ahern; Again, all of Celia’s books are just as good as the next but this is the first one of hers that I read so it holds a special place in my heart. This book made me laugh, then had me crying, then laughing, and later I was doing both at the same time. It is a powerful, emotional book and ten times better than the americanised version of the film!
Drummer Girl by Bridget Tyler; This is one of those books that you start thinking that you’re reading one thing only to realise you’re actually reading something else entirely. This is an incredible book that deserves so much love. It is full of deep issues, amazing characters, and makes you just feel all of the emotions under the sun. It is one that I will be re-reading in the future just to re-capture its essence.
Geek Girl; Model Misfit by Holly Smale; And the first one! This series is incredible. Holly has managed to create a character who is completely loveable and in turn someone that you love reading about and just want all the happiness for. She manages to make you feel so many things while you’re reading and has books that are just full of amazing plots. I cannot wait for the next book in this series.
What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen; Once more, every Sarah Dessen book is unique and amazing in its own way and I have many more to read but this is one that always sticks out for me. I loved the story in this one, I loved the emotions the protagonist went through and my heart just felt gutted out for her so much. I feel this about all of Sarah’s books, I do. She has a fantastic way of writing but I just love this one so much.
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell; I was never going to be able to write this list without adding this one in, was I? This is an incredible story that just pulled at my heartstrings. It felt a little like I was reading about my life and that was odd but also amazing. I loved the romance plot in this book and Cathy’s personal journey as well. I just love pretty much everything about this book and cannot wait to re-read it over and over again!
And honourable mentions go to;
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Wonder by R. J. Palacio
Faking It by Cora Carmack
The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
Heart-Shaped Bruise by Tanya Burne
Kissing the Rain by Kevin Brooks
Boy meets Boy by David Levithan
Like I said, it was hard!
What contemporary books do you love? Or what ones would you recommend?
Also, what genre did you choose for this week?
What Happened to Goodbye… YES! I know it gets aside for others (and its actually my 3rd favorite Dessen. I need to reread it a few times to call it a favorite) but I listened to the audio and it was SOOOO excellent.
Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook
I have been meaning to read Speechless and Easy FOREVER! Seriously, I own copies of both books, but just haven’t gotten to them. I should really make time ASAP.
Also – LOVE FANGIRL! Basically, anything with her name attached, I will read. :)
So you know I adore contemporary, and have only read 5 from your top ten! I need to finish Bird. And read some of Sarah Dessen. And Drummer Girl! *drowns in all the good books*
Agree with so much of this list…love Hannah Harrington and of course, Fangirl, and Geek Girl defs deserves a spot.I did really enjoy Easy as well!