Books,  Top Ten

Top Ten Tuesday; Ten Best Bookish Memories

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Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new topic is given and this weeks topic is ten best bookish memories

While this won’t be in any specific order, the top one is my ULTIMATE favourite, and it will probably be there for a long while. Everything else is just organised as I thought of them!

  1. Author Day with Damian Dibben; Seriously. This day was one of my highlights of last year. I spent the day alongside Damian Dibben as he first spoke to an assembly of school children and then answered questions and then took part in a book club discussion of the book. I was totally overwhelmed but it was a brilliant day!
  2. Random House Blogger Brunch; This was my first blogger brunch and the first time I met some really great bloggers and publicists! I will probably always cherish this memory as well.
  3. Halloween at Foyles!; Six authors, meeting up with two bloggers, and hearing about all the different perceptions of horror stories was just really fun and interesting and something I’ll always remember I enjoyed!
  4. Meeting Rachelia @ Bookish Comforts; Meeting a Canadian blogger in England? Definite awesome. Plus, we clicked like we’d always been friends, had a great tourist day in London and then giggled till we cried while eating Burritos with Lucy from ChooseYA!
  5. Buddy reading Divergent; I have buddy read a fair few books now but this was the first one I ever did and it connected me to Sarah @ Saz101 and that was one the best things to ever happen to me!
  6. Volunteering For the Summer Reading Challenge; In the summer I helped to encourage young children to read by volunteering for the SRC where they told me about the books they’ve read and then they recieved some stickers and other goodie prizes. It felt so great to hear their enthusiasm for reading!
  7. Getting My Job; Getting that phone call to say I’ve gotten the library job of my dream? Yeah, that was a pretty epic bookish memory if I do say so myself!
  8. Blogging; It seemed silly to miss this one out because, I was really thinking about it, all of those memories up there have only happened because of this blog. I am certain I never would have had any of these experiences without it.
  9. NaNoWriMo Word Battles!; Okay, so this is more to do with writing books but I truly enjoyed participating in the NaNoWriMo Word Battles that S. J. Maas and Susan Dennard hosted! (they’re still doing them today as well :D)
  10. HKB & Templar Books Brunch; It may have only just happened but I really had a great time at the HKB and Templar brunch, it was such an experience to be able to talk to so many different an amazing authors and publicity staff!

And that is my list! What about your favourite bookish memories? Do you have any you’d be willing to share with us all?



  • Alexa Y.

    Those word battles were AWESOME, and definitely effective in helping me complete NaNo last year! It was also how we met, I believe, which makes it even COOLER. Your bookish moments all sound like a lot of fun!

  • Vicky Hooper

    You work at a library? WOW! That’s definitely a book lover’s dream :-) I have such love for libraries! My local one is so tiny and doesn’t have many books in the adult section, but they can always find what I want at one of the other libraries and get it in for me. And they’re so friendly! And I love seeing so many kids and teenagers in there all the time.

    NaNo is a lot of fun! Definitely going to do it again this year :-)

    Great list!

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      Yeah, it’s a really great job and the only irritating thing about it is how few hours I work there! I wish it was more than part time work but I keep crossing my fingers for longer hours!
      I work at a larger one but we have inter-library loans as well so that everyone can get whichever books they like :)


      Thank you for commenting as always Vicky :)

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