Weekly Highlights

Weekly Highlights; The Amazing Link Edition

weekly highlights

Weekly Highlights is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.

In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.

Post Highlights

What a week this week has been! It’s been full of social things AND I still got posts up and books read. It has felt very good to get it all sorted and ahead of myself!

This week I posted TWO reviews;
Unhinged by A. G. Howard (FIVE HEARTS)
Witch Finder by Ruth Warburton (THREE HEARTS)

I also posted a video I did last week about why I love strong friendships in books, and why, essentially I feel they’re incredibly important. I also highlighted some of my favourites. To view that video, Click Here.

My favourite post of this week was my top ten post which was on reasons why I love blogging. Check out what I said here.

And finally, I told you all about how I’m getting on with Finish It February! Come here to see how I’m doing.

Review Copy Cleanup

This is my updates for this event!
I set out with a goal that half of the books I read this month be review copies.

This week I read FOUR books. One was a review copy and three weren’t.

So I’m getting a little behind on my goal, but I’m still with it for now! Wooo! I’ve actually read the same amount of review copies to own copies!

Review Copies Read;
The Lost Journals of Benjamin Tooth by Mackenzie Crook
Unhinged by A. G. Howard
Drummer Girl by Bridget Tyler
The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau

Around the Blogosphere

If you’re going to read ANYTHING this week, you should really read this post. It is amazing. It is everything I always try to say and fail. If you’re a blogger or thinking of blogging, just go and read it! And remember, you are amazing!

Do you read e-novellas? This post on Sophie’s blog talks about why they’re so great. Do you agree with her?

A topic that always comes up is about DNF’ing books. Do you do it? This week Jesse is asking you when you decide to DNF a book. To find out when he does and to answer, go here.

I don’t know about you, but I have a love of books riddled with issues. Whenever I hear about one that deals with this or that and it’s done well or powerfully, I am instantly drawn to that book. But are there enough of them? This week Sophie has written this post about serious topics in YA. You should go check it out.

You know when you read a blog post and you just LOVE it? That is how I felt after I read this post by Jana and I knew that I HAD to share it with you. You must go and see her post on how online dating is like book blogging, it’s a real jem!

Do you take notes while you read? If you do, how do you do it? If you don’t, why don’t you? This week Chrystal is asking you about this here so go and tell her all about your habits!

Are you a quick reader? Or a slow reader? Have you ever thought about slowing your reading down or reading quicker? This week Sarah is asking this question in this post. It’s definitely an interesting concept!

Letterbox Love


Fortunately this week has been slow in terms of books! I have SO MANY to read at the moment that getting less through the door and in the shops is definitely a good thing!

Rollar Girls

Falling Hard, Hell’s Belles, In A Jam, and Boot Camp Blues by Megan Sparks; This were given to me by Amber at The Mile Long Bookshelf and I cannot wait to read them. I first heard about them from Caroline and they just sound like books that I’ll really enjoy! Hope to start them soon!


Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz; I am borrowing this one from the library and I’m excited to read it! One of my resolutions this year was to read more of the popular and classic children’s books and this is just one of the series I plan to read to do this! Hope it’s as good as everyone says it is!

And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!

I hope to visit all posts of this manner, so feel free to link to your own IMMs, Sunday Showcase, Sunday Posts, Letterbox Loves or whatever it is you do below!

what did you get this week? what cool blog posts did you stumble upon? what are you waiting to happen this week?



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