
Weekly Highlights; The UKYA Love Edition

weekly highlights

Weekly Highlights is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.

In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.

Post Highlights

This week I feel like I’m really getting back into my stride with blogging and am looking forward to keeping it that way!

I posted THREE mini-reviews this week;
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz (FOUR HEARTS)
Five Children and It by E Nesbit (TWO HEARTS)
Girl Online by Zoe Sugg (THREE HEARTS)

I also posted ten reasons you should read the Hobson & Choi series. Find that post here.

And lastly I announced Finish It Feb. To find out what it is and to get involved yourself, click here.

UKYA Book Blogger Awards


Nominations will close at MIDNIGHT tonight.

So if you haven’t yet voted, make sure you do today! Don’t forget you can vote for three per category but you don’t have to vote for every category!

Shortlist voting will open on the 1st Feb!

Around the Blogosphere

With all the award announcements, Laura wrote a fab post called Love is All Around. Read it here.

Carly wrote a post about why she loves UKYA. Read her reasons here.

Kirsty posted a fab post about UKYA book blogger love. Read it by clicking here

Jo also joined in with this great post about why the UKYA book blogging community is so awesome. Read what she has to say in this post.

Michelle from Tales of Yesterday told everyone why she loves UKYA in this post.

And Michelle from Fluttering Butterflies told us all about her love of everyone! Find out what she says here.

Laura, on a completely different topic now, posted about how many books she can read at one time and asks for your opinions. Join in the discussion here.

In this post, a different Laura has mentioned 10 signs you might be a bookaholic.

Elena at Novel Sounds has created a fantastic post on 24 things they don’t tell you about book blogging. It is definitely worth a read. You can do so by clicking here.

Clare has posted a fab post about how she organises her blog. Find out how, maybe get some tips and share how you organise by visiting this post.

Charli has written a very personal post on Remembering why she blogs. I found it lovely and I hope that she realises that she’s a fab part of this community – and hopefully all the wonderful links above will help her with that. Read what she says and give her some support, here.

And lastly Celine has posted a very interesting discussion on reviews. Click here to see what she says and to add your opinion to the mix.

Letterbox Love


As mentioned previously on the blog, I have stopped requesting books for review. Any review books received this week were before my ban, were from the two events I went to yesterday or were surprises!

the sin eaters daughter seven days an island of our own Above

The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury; I have wanted to read this one ever since I heard about it MONTHS ago. I am so glad to finally have this one in my hands. I will definitely be starting it soon! Many thanks to Scholastic for this copy.

Seven Days by Eve Ainsworth; Was very excited about this one as well as it sounded very fascinating. I have read it and it was good. A review of it with more thoughts will be up soon. Thanks to Scholastic for this copy.

An Island of our Own by Sally Nichols; Many thanks to Scholastic for this review book. I haven’t read anything about Sally and I hadn’t heard about this book until the Scholastic Book Brunch but Iam now very intrigued about it.

Above by Isla Morley; This is a book that I requested on Book Bridgr – before my ban. It sounds creepy, looks amazing, and I cannot wait to see what I will find in this book.

The Year of Taking Chances The Boy With The Hidden Name Skullduggery Pleasant

Year of Taking Chances by Lucy Diamond; This is a book that I have taken out of the library. I heard about it through Jess (Jess Hearts Books) and it sounded really good, thus when it came into the library, I couldn’t resist picking up a copy!

The Boy With the Hidden Name by Skylar Dorset; This is the second book in the series and while the third wasn’t a BRILLIANT book, it did make me want to read the next so I’m looking forward to finding out what happens next in this series. This was also taken out from the library.

Skullduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy; Talk about a popular series I haven’t read! I’ve been meaning to get started on it for ages but never did. Then I saw it in the library and decided to finally take the plunge. Cannot wait to get started with this!

Adobe Photoshop PDF Half a King Bird Box The Bell Between Worlds

The Fire Sermon by Francesca Haig; I got a lovely hardback edition of this book at the HarperVoyager event yesterday. I was also lucky enough to get it signed as well. This one sounds really good and I can not wait to dive into it!

Half a King by Joe Abercrombie; Many thanks to HarperVoyager for this book. I’ve not read anything by Joe Abercrombie before but have heard a great many things so I’m really looking forward to getting around to reading this and seeing what it is all about.

Birdbox by Josh Malerman; This is another one from HarperVoyager and one that I think looks really interesting. I am definitely going to look forward to reading this one eventually.

The Bell Between Worlds by Ian Johnstone; This book was a lovely surprise from HarperCollins – thank you! – But having read the synopsis and seen the cover, I’m definitely intrigued. Not sure when I’ll get to it but I definitely want to give this book a go.

Currently Reading

I read a few books at a time so I have decided that I want to showcase them a little on the blog and so from now on I thought I would tell you all what I’m currently reading (on Saturday/Sunday!)

This week I am currently reading;

Mayhem Heir of Fire The Walled City 2

And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!

What Did You Get This Week? What Cool Blog Posts Did You Stumble Upon? What Are You Reading This Week?



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