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All We Could Have Been by T. E. Carter

All We Could Have Been by T. E. Carter

Hi All!
Today is my stop on the blog tour for All We Could Have Been and I am here today with an interview with the author!

**A copy of this book was provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review**

Title: All We Could Have Been
Author: T. E. Carter
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Published: 2nd May 2019
Pages: 256
Format: Paperback
Source:: Review Copy from Publisher
Add It: Amazon UK Goodreads.
Summary: Five years ago, Lexie walked home from school after her older brother failed to pick her up. When she entered her house, her brother sat calmly, waiting for the police to come arrest him for the heinous crime he had just committed.

Treated like a criminal herself, Lexie now moves from school to school hiding who she is—who she’s related to. She struggles with loving her brother, the PTSD she now suffers from, and wanting to just live a normal life. But how can she be normal when she can’t even figure out how to just live?

This is a powerful look at the assumptions we make about people. Lexie’s emotional journey to separate her brother’s horrific act from herself is stunning and heartbreaking. This is Lexie’s story and journey—not her brother’s—and it will stay with you long after you turn the last page.


What is your favourite thing about writing books?
Because I tend to delve into personal topics, writing is, for me, a cathartic experience where I can try to get all the things I think about into someone else’s head for a while. Sometimes, it’s a relief to have characters shoulder their burdens and watch them resolve their own problems; it’s a nice distraction from my own.

Who is your favourite character in your book and why?
In All We Could Have Been, I think my favorite character is Marcus. I like the way he sees things. He can come across as negative at times, but really, he’s dealing with a lot, and he can see through all of Lexi’s conflicts to find the good in her. He does it in a way no one else really has, and I like that most of all.

What is your favourite drink to consume while writing?
Probably coffee if I drink anything. Usually, when I’m writing, I forget about things like food and drink!

Do you have any bad habits while you’re writing?
Not really. My writing habits by themselves are probably bad habits, because as much as I know I should write every day, I just can’t. I write when I want to write, and that means there are days where I write for hours, and then sometimes I go a very long time without writing.

How do you research your books?
I don’t do a ton of research. My stories come from personal experiences, at least to some degree. I might read some articles or study little details, but I tend to write what I know. I don’t think everyone has to do that, but for me, I feel like there’s more authenticity when I write about things that I have at least some understanding of at my core.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Mostly a pantser. I will sometimes write scenes as they come to me, which are often out of order, and as things happen, I usually take notes and map out how that will matter later. I start with a pretty vague outline, though, and I let the story unfold as it needs to, so I would say that makes me a pantser.

If you could live in any fictional world, which would you choose and why?
It’s basically our world, though I suppose I would have to move to Canada, but I would love to live in Scott Pilgrim’s world. I don’t really even have a reason; maybe just because it’s a better version of reality.

If you could befriend any fictional character, who would you choose and why?
I want to say Cersei Lannister, because she’s my favorite, but she’d probably have me killed. So Sansa Stark. She’s kind of Cersei without all the killing.

About the Author

T. E. Carter was born and raised in New England. Throughout her career, she has done a lot of things, she has always loved to read and still loves stories in any medium (books, movies, video games, etc.). When she’s not writing, she can generally be found reading classic literature, obsessing over Game of Thrones (100% Team Lannister), playing Xbox, organizing her comic collection, or binge-watching baking competitions. She continues to live in New England with her husband and two cats. All We Could Have Been is her second novel for young adults.

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