Books,  Challenges

#ARCAugust Wrap Up

#ARCAugust Wrap Up

When did August end? Like… what happened there? Somehow it’s over so it’s time to do my #ARCAugust wrap up!

The Goals

So I set myself a goal of eight and I did have eight titles I was hoping to read. I outlined that all in this post.

Sadly I did not reach either goal posts but August was a pretty bad month for me so I’m actually really glad of the reading I did manage to get done.

In the end I read six books and DNF’d two. I tackled five books from my list.

The Books



So not too bad! I’m hoping to read a few more books in September but we’ll see how it goes!

How did your August Reading go?

One Comment

  • Amy

    I was quite pleased with how my August reading went; I read just slightly over what was in my reviews post (15ish). So far this month I’ve read 3. Well done on what you managed to read xx

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