August 2019 Wrap Up!
August 2019 Wrap-Up!
So it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these but I’ve really been getting in to my stride with blogging and reading again and I used to love these posts – also I love being able to share what I’ve read and started reading each month!
For this month, I am just going to focus on my reading but if I’m still blogging this well at the end of September then I will probably include some blog post wrap-ups as well.
The Readathons
Throughout August, I participated in three readathons. Two were month-long and one was a week long. I also started a third but that runs for another week so will be wrapped up in Ocober!
With this readathon, I aimed to read seven different books with different prompts with a plan to become a Magizoologist by the end of the month. You can find more information about the readathon and my TBR here.
I am so pleased that I managed to complete this – especially as I hit a bit of a reading slump in the final week of August!
Graphic Novel Read-a-Thon
For this readathon, the aim was simply to read as many graphic novels in one month as I could and well, I definitely did that. In fact, this was probably my favourite of all the read-a-thons this month as it reminded me how much I enjoy Graphic Novels! You can find more about this readathon here.
This one was a week long read-a-thon where the aim was to read as many thrillers as you can in one week. Unfortunately I only managed to read one book BUT it was one that had been on my TBR for ages so that’s a win at least!
The Finished Books
Mooncake by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu
After being recommend to read this one by Lauren, I ran to read it and ended up absolutely loving it. You can read my review here..
The Time of Our Lives by Abby Williams
I read this one for a blog tour this month and thought it was such a lovely book. Definitely one that I am glad I read. You can find my review here.
City of Ghosts by Victoria Scwab
This was actually a re-read but it was still read again this month so it counts! I loved it just as much the second time around as I did the first and it was a brilliant book to read when I went to Edinburgh this month. You can read my review here.
Sam Wu is Not Afraid of Ghosts by Katie and Kevin Tsang
I’ve been meaning to read this book for ages so when Jess fell asleep on the way to Edinburgh and I got bored of songs, I decided to stick it on. I ended up absolutely loving it and despite laughing a few times didn’t even wake Jess which was amazing. I’ll review this one soon.
The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzie Lee
This is one book that has been on my TBR for a while. I absolutely loved the first book in the series and bought this second one as soon as I could. I am annoyed that it took me so long to read though as I truly loved this one too! I will be reviewing this next month.
Letting Go by Cat Clarke
I couldn’t sleep one night when I saw this book on my shelf and just decided to dive into it. Next thing I knew the book was complete and I still couldn’t sleep! Needless to say, the book was fantastic and I loved it. My review is here.
Missing, Presumed by Susie Steiner
I actually have had a copy of this book since it was released which is awkward as I have only just gotten around to reading it but it was also well worth the wait. While it wasn’t your typical police procedural book, I still really enjoyed it! My review will be up next month.
Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Lide by Bryan Lee O’Malley
Ever since I saw the film of this book, I’ve been meaning to read this book but I just kept putting it off. Eventually this month I used the Graphic Novel readathon as an excuse to read it and I am glad I did as I really enjoyed this one.
Scott Pilgrim vs the World by Bryan Lee O’Malley
After finishing the first book, I simply had to continue onto the second book and I loved this one just as much as the first. I haven’t yet moved onto the third book but I know I will definitely be doing it soon!
Pages & Co: Tilly and the Bookwanderers by Anna James
This is another book that has been on my radar for far too long so I am so glad that I finally got around to reading this one. And I finished it and then returned home to find book two waiting for me. I am so excited to dive straight into the next book of this series. My review for both books will come next month.
A Dangerous Game by Malorie Blackman
Wanting to complete the #Newtsathon on time, last night I looked around until I found this book on my library’s website. It was a nice short read so I decided to give it a go. It was actually a really fab book that I very much enjoyed and am thankful the readathon gave me the chance to find it and read it!
I know that some were graphic novels and some were middle grade books but I am honestly so chuffed that I managed to read eleven books last month! I was in a big slump before August so it’s been so nice to see how this has changed.
The Started Books
When it comes to reading, I am a terrible mood reader so I have to let you know that even though I did finish all of those books above, I also started a few more this month but didn’t get to finishing them. So these are the books that I am still technically reading.
All the Things We Never Said by Yasmin Rahman
I actually started this at YALC and then I tried to finish it in the first week of August but it eventually got pushed aside so I could complete the read-a-thon. So instead, I am now aiming to finish this one this month instead!
Let’s Call It A Doomsday by Katie Henry
After finishing City of Ghosts, Jess and I decided we needed a new audiobook for our drives in Scotland so we started this one. We’re probably about 1/4 of the way through but we ran out of time to finish. We have another roadtrip upcoming so perhaps we’ll finish it soon!
Infinity Son by Adam Silvera
I attempted to read this one for the birds on the cover prompt but for some reason just couldn’t get into it. I read about three chapters and then put it to the side. I will definitely be picking it back up and finishing it this month if I can!
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
I’ve actually only read about 10 pages of this one so I don’t know if it counts as a book I am currently reading but I did technically start it. I just simply wasn’t in the right mood for this one. Hopefully I will be able to try again soon.
Are We All Lemmings and Snowflakes? by Holly Bourne
I am only 100 pages into this book but it absolutely blew me away. I would have continued this yesterday but I ran out of time. Instead it is my aim to finish this in the next few days.
How did your August reading go?

Liz @ Planet Print
Wow, you read a lot in August! Really glad you enjoyed The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy, I love that series! I also can’t wait to read Infinity Son, I need to get myself a copy – I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts once you’re done!
I was very impressed with myself. Mostly I went on a massive audiobook binge! Haha.
Well done for getting so much read! That’s really impressive :)
Thanks! I don’t think September is being quite so successful but oh well!