
August Monthly Wrap-Up


So I ummed and ahhed about whether or not to start doing monthly wrap-ups on the blog but have eventually decided that in an effort to keep my blog more organised, to keep on top of challenges and to do a nice re-cap of the month for you all, that I would do them :-). Therefore, this post will be set out like my weekly highlights post, split into headings in an attempt to keep everything organised easily :D

Monthly Highlights

So this month was my “I’m Back” month and while I still haven’t been fully active again, I feel I am starting to get the hang of blogging again. I’m finding my motivation again, I’m getting posts scheduled in advance and I’m scheduling other things for the blog, and I’m enjoying it all again and it feels great. I did miss blogging so much and I’m glad that I’m starting to feel the fun side of it again, without all the pressure.
I am, however, now working full time and I know that it is taking up a lot of my time, but I am hoping that I will get into the swing of things soon and be able to deal with it and use my time effeciently. Let’s hope that by the end of September I’ll have a good routine going.

My top three favourite posts I wrote this month are;
My Story; Moving to WordPress from Blogger
Monday’s Movie Musings; Books to Movies
Lockwood & Co: Screaming Staircase by Jonathan Stroud

This month I also participated in Bout of Books! While I didn’t read as many books as I wanted, or actually complete any of the goals I set out for myself, I really enjoyed the read-a-thon and am really glad that I took part and am looking forward to taking part in it again when it comes back around!

I went to a few bookish events again this month and started filming a fan video for Lockwood & Co as well – keep an eye out for it!

This month I read seven books this month, which isn’t as many books as I normally get to but it’s been a fairly busy month! It also means I am now fourteen books behind my goal on Goodreads.

Favourite Book

The Iron Traitor It was fairly easy to choose my favourite book this month. Not because I didn’t read some great books, because I did, but because I was completely and totally blown away by The Iron Traitor. This book just reminded me of why I absolutely love Julie Kagawa. She is such a talented writer who manages to completely pull you into the story. A story that is action-packed, full of suspense, surprise, and emotions that feel like they come from the very core of you. This was a book that just simply blew me away. It had all of the amazingness found in the other Iron Fey books in the series, a unique story and an ending that will literally leave you breathless. I am waiting with anxious feelings for the next book in the series. And if you haven’t started the Iron Fey series yet, I urge you to do so. The first book isn’t the best, but as you continue moving through the books, you’ll see exactly why Julie is a true inspiration.

Reading Challenges

A-Z Book Challenge; I didn’t read any new letters this month.
British Books Challenge; I read two books; Dreams by Daniella Sacerdoti and Hollow Pike by James Dawson
Mystery/Crime Challenge; I read three books; The Killing Woods by Lucy Christopher, Hollow Pike by James Dawson and Earthbound by Aprilynne Pike
TBR Pile Challenge; I read two books; Hollow Pike by James Dawson and Dreams by Daniella Sacerdoti
Witches/Witchcraft Challenge; I read one book; Hollow Pike by James Dawson
Genre Variety Challenge; I read Crime.

And that concludes my month!


One Comment

  • Tanya Patrice

    Wow – 7 books is still pretty darn awesome! And I can relate to starting a full time gig and not having as much time for blogging – as it happened to me last month too. I think I’ve finally gotten into a routine – as long as I schedule ahead, I should have time to comment on blogs which is important to me – but I’ve given up Twitter, in favor for smaller more personable social groups on G+ and Facebook.

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