Behind the Blog

Behind The Blog #34; It’s all fresh!


Behind the Blog is a meme to help bloggers connect their life and interests to the content showcased on their blog. The co-hosts, Faye, Kathe, and Melissa will provide a different topic, idea, or question every week that bloggers can relate to themselves and the books, films, or other media they find interesting!

New Year’s is often a time of new beginnings. People often make resolutions to help themselves achieve their goals. Are there any new beginnings that you are looking forward to in 2013? Are you planning on making any New Year’s Resolutions? If so, what are they?

In relation to books and media: Are there any books or movies you like where the characters get a chance at a new beginning? Or beginning scenes of books or movies that are particularly noteworthy?

For me, the biggest new beginning that I’m looking forward to this year is moving from Blogger to WordPress. This is a decision that has long been in the process (been thinking about it since about February time), but eventually I took the bullet and am launching the new site (today!). It’s been a fairly stressful transition but probably because I tried too much when I didn’t know enough. I’m slowly easing into it though and while it may be a shock to the system for the while, I feel that once I’m there, it’ll all be worth it.

As for New Year’s Resolutions, I have a few this year. Normally I always go with the generic; “lose weight”, and every new years eve I feel horrid because I’ve gained rather than lost anything, so this year I’m changing it slightly to simply try to be healthier and more active. If I happen to lose weight in the process, so be it, if not, at least I’ll know that I’ve tried.

I am also aiming to finally finish a fully-edited novel and to take my little manuscript around to agents and/or publishers just to see if I really have what it takes to put my entire life on the line. And because it is something I have said I would do for years and just have never gotten around to doing. I want to make 2013 be the year I get things moving.

In line with this, I have challenged myself to writing something every single day. Whether that be a blog post or some fiction, or something else entirely – I want to make sure that I never stop writing because I used to write every day and then stopped because of university and I have to say that I still severely miss it!

My blogging goals include;

  • Write at least two reviews a week. Not necessarily publishing them both – though it would be good, but just making sure they’re written.
  • Read more review books before requesting others. I have been overloaded with review books recently and I need to sit back and read them all before getting more.
  • Read 120 books in a year. I managed 110 this past year and I was amazed at myself but this year I really want to try and push myself to read even more!
  • Schedule posts further in advance. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m scheduling posts the night before and it’s making them become rushed posts or writing while I’m unmotivated and tired and I’m starting to think it’s becoming noticeable so I want to stop this by scheduling most sooner.

What are some of the things you’re looking forward to starting this year? What are some of your resolutions?

In relation to books, some that I have read in 2012 that have notorious beginnings that have stuck with me include;


The History Keepers; The Storm Begins; Literally pulled straight into the action.

Saving June by Hannah Harrington; Harper’s life was changed before the book began, this is her reflecting on it. Amazing scene.

One Hundred Names by Cecelia Ahern; The book has barely even started before your heart beats faster and you already want to shed tears.

There is only one film worthy of the space here for a brilliant beginning and that is none other than…

Up (2009); this film had me close to full on tears within ten minutes. And then I was laughing the very next minute. An absolutely stunning film!

We’d love to have you join us for Behind the Blog!

If you’re choosing to join us for Behind the Blog don’t forget to link up your post by using the Linky list below!

Are you joining us? Here are our rules:

  • The hosts’ Behind the Blog posts go live at midnight on Friday, GMT+0:00. Feel free to post before that, just link up on Friday!
  • Feel free to make use of the button shown above, or if it clashes with your blog colours e-mail us or make your own.
  • Read, write, and connect! The Linky is there for you. Make use of it!
  • Last but not least, have fun!


  • Rachel R.

    Wow sounds like you have great challenges and will be having a busy year! I’m the same. I’ve decided to write every day as my resolution, but I also have goals for the spring semester. Best of Luck!

  • Melissa T

    I like the spin you put on your resolutions, changing them up a bit. It makes them seem more positive, and motivational. And of course, writing every day is an awesome goal. I wish I could get myself to do that. I always try to and then it peters out after a while.

    I haven’t seen Up, but you’re one of the many people who have said it’s phenomenal so I really will have to check it out.

    Good luck with all of your goals this year!

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      Yeah, I’ve never been good at actually making routines and sticking with them! But then I started blogging and as it’s something I enjoy, it’s become a grand routine of mine not to forget about it! I hope that it’s the same for writing and that writing every day will give me some inspiration! I almost missed yesterday but remembered at 11.30 and was all.. go go go! lol.

      YOU MUST SEE UP. Haha. It’s one of my favourite films ever! But I do know a few who don’t like it so I won’t judge you too harshly if you say you don’t either. (we just may not be able to be friends anymore :p)

      Thank you! :D

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