Blog Tour; Vision of Shadows by Vincent Morrone

Hey Guys!
Today I am here to introduce you all to Vincent Morrone who is stopping by for his blog tour!
He has written you all a guest post on ten of his writing habits. Hope you enjoy and get to know him a little bit better!
I was asked to talk about my writing habits. Do I really have any habits that are even noteworthy? Not sure. You be the judge.
1) I prefer to write with my feet up. I’ve got my laptop on a small table right beside my recliner in the great room. Used to be a on a small table by the couch. While sometimes I’ll go sit at a table or a desk, I prefer to work with my feet up.
2) Water. When I know I’m going to sit down for a few hours of writing, I’ll usually got to the fridge where I’ll fill up a red solo cup with ice and water. Writing can be thirsty work after all. Here’s the thing. When I get into the zone, I can write for hours straight and never take a sip. By the time I remember I even have water, the ice is melted and the water is room temperature. That’s how I know I’ve got a lot done that day.
3) Outlining, then re-outlining. Before I write, I construct an outline. I’ll read it through and then re-do it, refining it as I go until I’m ready to start. Many times, as I get closer to the end, I’ll do it again. I’m not changing the plan, but rather making it more elaborate. Details that didn’t occur to me before I start to write may be so clear now. Character traits that developed as I continued to build the WIP would become important.
4) Music. I don’t always get to listen to music, but if I’ve got the house to myself or if my headphones are available, and I know what I’m writing, I’ll often play music. My favorite band since I was 7 is KISS, so that’s what’s on the most. Sometimes, I go for Barry Manilow or even Beethoven. I prefer to listen to stuff that’s very familiar so I’m not distracted.
5) Google Images. Sometimes, if I’m writing a description, I’ll use google images to search for a person, place, or thing that fits what I’m talking about. In Vision of Shadows, I often brought up the kind of car a particular character drives. An Audi Rs8. I had researched expensive cars and this one fit the bill, but I needed to know what it looked like.
6) Google a saying. You ever have a moment when you think of a well-known idiom or a phrase that would fit perfectly, but it’s not one that you would use? If you have the google auto complete feature, you can google it. Get half of it in and the rest is usually spelled out for you. It also works for spelling. I can’t spell to save my life. And Word can only do so much. Sometimes, I’m so far off that it can figure out what the word is supposed to be. What do I do? Google.
7) Distraction. The downside to having internet access is that I can often go on to google something book related and instead find myself reading the latest spoilers on The Walking Dead.
8) Tease my # 1 fans. Namely my daughters. If it’s something they’re familiar with, I’ll often tell them little details to see their reaction.
9) Sleep on it. If I’ve got a big scene coming up, I’ll often put it off until the next day. Then that night when I’m going to sleep, I’ll see it playing out in my head like a movie. Hear the dialogue and often even hearing the descriptions.
10) Read it on my own Kindle. When it’s done, I never start edits until I’ve had the chance to read it from start to finish on my kindle. I want to experience it as closely to what a reader would. Are there parts that are repetitive? Sometimes, you added a thought in a scene and you find you repeated it later on. Are there parts that I’m tempted to skim? That’s something that I need to work on. It’s also part ritual. “Hey, I actually finished it! Yay me!!”
Vision of Shadows (Vision #1)
by Vincent Morrone
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
Release Date: December 30, 2013
Is Bristol Blackburn about to meet the love of her life…or her killer?
After the death of her parents, Bristol Blackburn’s life is thrown into chaos and she’s forced to move to Spirit, a small town where shadows are stirring. As she learns to navigate her new school and figures out how to keep her psychic abilities secret from her family, Bristol comes face to face with the boy who makes a regular appearance in her dreams: the gorgeous, possibly deadly, Payne McKnight. Soon she’ll find out if Payne will be the love of her life, or the end of it — and she has no idea which possibility scares her more.
And that’s not even the worst of it. Strange shadows are haunting her dreams, and they’re up to something that could put Bristol and the lives of everyone she loves in jeopardy.
You can find more about Vision of Shadows on the Entranced Publishing website.
Want to chat with Bristol, the main character of this series? Well she has her own twitter account.
Vision of Secrets (Vision #0.5)
by Vincent Morrone
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
Release Date: December 2, 2013
Bristol understands secrets. She’s got plenty of her own, ranging from the annoying ghost that keeps showing up and attempting to sing Copacabana, (badly) to the visions of a terrifying future that is getting closer each day.
Bristol knows secrets can kill. She’s getting flashes of a boy racked with guilt over his secret. And a girl who’s prank might lead to someone’s death.
Vision of Secrets is a free prequel introduces you to Bristol Blackburn before the explosive events in Vision of Shadows and let’s you see how a young girl deals with her Visions of Secrets!
You can download Vision of Secrets for free from smashwords
About the Author:
Born and raised in Brooklyn NY, Vincent Morrone now resides in Upstate NY with his wife. (Although he can still speak fluent Brooklynese.) His twin daughters remain not only his biggest fans, but usually are the first to read all of his work. Their home is run and operated for the comfort and convenience of their dogs.
Vincent has been writing fiction, poetry and song lyrics for as long as he can remember, most of which involve magical misfits, paranormal prodigies and even on occasion superheroes and their sidekicks.
As they say in Brooklyn: Yo, you got something to say to Vincent?
Check out where you can learn about Vincent and leave him a comment. You can also connect with Vincent on Twitter and Facebook
– Website
– Goodreads
Vincent also participates in a group blog called YA Rush which consist of YA and NA Entranced authors. You can find YA Rush here:
– Website
– Facebook
– Twitter
– Pinterest
There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Vision of Shadows.
Here is what you can win:
– 1 Vision of Shadows Pen
– 1 Vision of Shadows Calender
– 1 Vision of Shadows Pen & calender
– 1 Vision of Shadows Pen and calender in a Vision of Shadows canvas bag
– 1 Vision of Shadows Pen, calender in Vision of Shadows canvas bag and an e-copy Vision of Shadows
Enter the rafflecopter below for a chance to win:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
One Comment
Vincent Morrone
Thanks so much for having me on today!!!