
Blogger Love-A-Thon – More on Me!

I warned you about this a while back, but throughout the day today (sparingly because I had work and university work to do!) I have been participating in this event which consists of commenting on others blog and just spreading love to other bloggers. Many of whom deserve so much love! I am linking here the schedule post from Katelyn’s blog which has a list of all the participating blogs. Go check them out! :-)
Now that we are sitting at 6pm (EST), it is time to participate in the 3rd mini-challenge! It is time to tell you all of the tale of my blogging experience thus far.
Well… five months and two days ago, I was sitting in my bedroom after having just watched One Day at the cinema after recently finishing the book. I was stunned by how much I loved the film and the book and how well they worked together. I wanted to tell people just how good it all was. 
I had previously been toying with the idea of creating a blog. I am a university student and I study film and television and so I naturally love both forms of media and have always wanted some outlet to review films and television, never would it have crossed my mind to include books as well. Eventually I decided that I simply didn’t have the time to start a blog, and I definitely didn’t have enough material! (I also have very little faith in the quality of my reviews but that’s another story altogether!)
So, I was sitting in my room after watching a brilliant adaptation when it finally came to me, what about a blog that deals solely with adaptions? I could comment on the differences between the book and the film, what made it good, what made it bad, etc. It would be something new and different to add to the blogging world. So, naturally, I created that first review, a joint review of One Day (HERE).
The first thing I did after that was tell my longest OL friend, and fellow book-blogger, Brodie at Eleusianian Mysteries. She was my first follower and my first comment. From there… well, I don’t even KNOW what happened. I’m not sure where my followers came from, I don’t remember how I advertised my blog or how people came to follow me either! All I know is a month down the line, I was sitting with twenty or so followers and gaping at them all with mystery.
I also realised that my content changed. I only wrote two adaptation reviews, and then I was just writing regular movie reviews with regular book reviews. I took recommendations from fellow book bloggers (and followers) and got books out of the library which I sat down, read and then reviewed. Then, I did my first IMM (In My Mailbox) and my follower count continued to grow. Then I joined Goodreads and found an outlet to advertise my blog while also interacting and helping out authors with reviews.
Then I was getting e-mails, my follower count was steadily increasing, then I found out about netgalley, and then I was e-mailing publishers and still people were following and commenting on my posts more. I have had two giveaways for reaching two milestones, 50 and 100 followers and I still, to this day, don’t understand where everyone came from. I marvel at every new follower, I squee at every blog post, and I jump with glee when I get a book request accepted or simply have a book arrive that I bought.
It was brilliant. It is brilliant. 
But it’s also hard-work. I knew it would be. I had been forewarned and still I put in more hours to my blog then anything I have ever done. What started out as a small project has turned into something so much more. This blog is, in a corny and silly way, my saviour. When I have had a bad day, I check my e-mails and usually find someone has commented or followed and a smile flashes on my face, then a grin, and sometimes even a laugh!
It may be hard and time consuming, but I stick with it because the rewards are amazing. I love every aspect of blogging. Coming up with new and creative ideas, interacting with other bloggers, getting comments, posting comments, reading books, reviewing them, watching films, reviewing them… everything. I love it all and I wouldn’t give it up for the world!
The blogging community is one that has filled me with such happiness, I just don’t know if I could have survived the last few months without it. I’ve been through a lot lately, with burglary issues, self-esteem issues, motivation issues and just stress after stress after stress and it has been this blog and all of the wonderful people in the community that has helped to keep me on my feet. Because of them I didn’t float out to sea, I kept my head above water and now things are starting to settle again and life is beginning to flow as it should. The blogging community means the world to me. 
Hey, that means you <3


  • Theta Sigma

    It’s nice to see how much blogging means to you.

    The thing I love about blogging is meeting people, in a virtual sense, who has a shared interest.

    I was hesitant in starting a blog because I thought that I’d be rubbish at it, but that really isn’t a consideration because I’m in touch with so many lovely people.

    • Daydreaming_Star

      Oh I have to totally agree with that as well! The community is just so welcoming as well! :D
      I love my housemates and my friends at uni but I’m certain that gushing to them about the books I read would just have them give me weird looks… wait no… I KNOW this happens… hehe.
      So yes, people with common interests = BRILL.

      Thanks for commenting, in fact, thank you for almost always commenting, you’re a star Theta! <3

  • Daisy Chain

    I know the squee part so well :). You reached two milestones I still have to reach but I guess the squee won’t stop :).

    It is funny tho because I study theatre, film and media so we are kind of in the same boat. Maybe I will start doing movies too in the future. And I know all the issues, I have them myself. You are doing a great job! Keep the good work going!

    A lot of Love-A-Thon Love for you too!

    • Daydreaming_Star

      Haha, I’m worried the squeeing will never stop :p But even if my follower count stays where it is right now, I’d probably still continuing blogging. I just love it so much. Even if no one ever reads it! :D

      It was so strange to transition from doing movie reviews for my university newspaper to doing them for this blog, because I wanted them to be more personal on here. hehe. But I would recommend it, as I would love to see that on your blog! :D

      Thanks, and thanks for stopping by! :D


    • Daydreaming_Star

      Hehe, thanks Mandie! I should probably try and get back into it! I know that there is one post I’m waiting to put up on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo because I’ve seen both books but now I’m just waiting on my read of the book to post the reviews! Hehe.

      Thanks for posting :D


  • Katelyn

    Your enthusiasm is contagious! I love how you mention you still get excited every time you get a comment or follower, I am the same way! I do a little happy dance every time I check my blog and see a new comment. Even if it is one a day, it makes me extra happy :)

    • Daydreaming_Star

      Ahha. I think it has something to do with all the exclamation marks! I think I’m addicted to them! Hehe. But I’m glad you think so. But I’m glad to see I’m not the only one that goes a little crazy over new comments and followers! :D

      Thanks for commenting Katelyn :)


  • Rachel Brooks

    My blogging content has changed and evolved since I first started too. I think that’s a good thing! Although, sometimes I look at past posts and cringe…lol

    I’m glad blogging makes you happy. Online peeps are some of the best cheerleaders out there to get you through the tough days =)

  • Lynn Marie

    You are so adorable!! I didn’t name my blog a “book blog” because I was afraid of the commitment! lol! I wanted to be able to post about anything I thought was epic, ya know? So I love that you have such an array! It’s a beautiful blog and I love your enthusiasm!!

  • Alexa

    Reading your post brought the biggest smile onto my face. I’m so happy for you that you’ve entered into this wonderful, crazy, awesome world of book blogging! It’s truly hard work and requires a lot of time, effort and dedication – but I find that the rewards you reap are SO totally worth it :)

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