Blogger Spotlight; Interview!

Hi Guys!
Today I am here to introduce you more to Charli from To Another World as I have a wonderful interview with her.
Tell us a little something about yourself!
Hi! I’m Charli. I’m a 14 year old nerd; in way too many fandoms (I’m a Nerdfighter, Initiate and Youngblood, to name just three), and passionate about several issues. I love photography, debating, youtubers and I’m also a Scout.
How long have you had your blog?
I’ve been running To Another World since July 2012, so for about a year and a half now; I previously had a general blog for a year too!
Do you enjoy running your blog?
Of course! I do have slumps and times where I wonder why I bother, but as a general thing it’s something I love.
When you started, did you ever think it would end up the way it has?
Definitely not. I think I was lucky, though; I already had some followers from my other blog that made it rise quicker than most.
Is there an interesting background story to the name of your blog?
I don’t know whether it’s interesting or not, really, but it was a twist on the fact that books take me to another world. In terms of that being personal to me, it derives from when I had a few tough years and reading pretty much got me through them.
As we’ve got this far without mentioning it, why not tell us a little something about your blog? What you post, how it runs, who you cater to, etc
So, I run To Another World with my best friend, Tori, who joined me in March 2013. We post reviews, discussions and random musings that we tend to have either whilst sitting in a Physics class or eating pizza at lunchtime. In the last few months of 2014, we didn’t post much, so we’re trying to get back into it!
Do you participate or host blog memes? If you do, which is your favourite?
We don’t do any memes, but we have a few unique features – The Bookish Confessionary and Tori Talks.
What about blog tours? Have you ever or do you ever participate in them?
I used to do a lot of tours; now I only do a select few! They’re a lot of fun but can be stressful if you accept too many.
What is the best book you read in 2014?
Solitaire by Alice Oseman! Amazing read!
What about so far in 2015?
Hmmm… The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion!
Has there ever been a book that haven’t been able to finish? If so, what was it? And why couldn’t you finish?
There have been quite a few, but the most notable is deciding to ditch The Mortal Instruments series and The Infernal devices by Cassandra Clare. It just became too long for me.
What is your favourite book genre?
Dystopia, but, I love contemporary too!
Quick Fire Round
ebook or hardcopy?
Hardcopy, always!
YA or Adult?
YA (but I’ve been reading more adult recently!)
Vampires or Werewolves?
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Harry Potter or Twilight?
HARRY. POTTER. (I have just a mild dislike for Twilight. Sorry about that.)
Four or Peeta?
Four *heart eyes emoji*
Series or Single?
Hmmm… standalone or duologies tend to work for me!
Blogger or WordPress?
And finally, is there anything else you would like to say about you or your blog?
Well, I’ll just say that although I’m very opinionated, I don’t bite and I’d love for you to come and talk to me over on twitter or the blog! (@Charli_TAW). Thanks for having me, Faye!
You can find Charli on her blog here. Or you can follow her on twitter here