
Book Blogger Penpals!

Hey Guys!
So… have you heard about Book Blogger Penpals yet?

Inspired by a penpal site set up for Beauty Bloggers, Jo @ Once Upon a Bookcase decided that it would be really great for Book Bloggers to have a penpal site as well. She, unfortunately, had to step down from running the site as she was too busy and that is where I step in. I am now running the Book Blogger Penpals scheme and am thus using my blog for a little bit of shameless plugging!

Are you a book blogger who would love a new pen pal? Someone in the community that you can get to know away from the computer? Maybe someone you can gush to about books you’ve read?
Then you should definitely sign up to be on the penpal site!

Some things to note
– The only person to hand out your mailing address is YOU.
– You are able to accept and decline any and all requests that come your way.
– You can remove your profile from the website at ANY time.
– Writing handwritten letters is actually more fun that you may think!

If you want to know more about how Book Blogger Penpals is run and to find out how you can sign up, head over to the website here; Book Blogger Penpals
If you have any questions or comments, you can also find me on twitter here; @book_penpals

*please note graphics are in the process of being made*

What are you waiting for? Get on over there!



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