Bout of Books 9.0 Goals And Updates

Bout of Books starts on Monday! Ahhhhh! *throws party confetti in the air*
Err… what?
Anyway… This post is for my goals during the read-a-thon!
I usually get a little ahead of my self with my goals so I’m going to try and reign it in a little bit this time around!
I plan to read at least two books but I’m hoping to read three.
I want to comment on other posts every day.
I want to participate in at least two challenges.
I want to participate in at least one twitter chat.
Those are my goals!
What are your goals?
It was a fairly busy day today as it was my sister’s birthday and a friends’ birthday and I had worked which left for very little time to read or do any challenges. I also missed the twitter chat. I also hadn’t finished the book I was reading before Bout of Books. Therefore I continued reading this and read about a quarter of the book.
Books Read: 1/4
Books: Skin Deep by Laura Jarrett
Thoughts: This book was slow to start but I am definitely getting more pulled into this story!
I only had work today but I got a little distracted after dinner talking to my parents so I didn’t read as much as I wanted and I also didn’t manage to participate in any of the challenges again. However, I started the morning by finishing Skin Deep and starting True by Erin McCarthy. Which meant I ended up reading about a quarter of one book and half of another!
Books Read: 1
Books: Skin Deep by Laura Jarrett and True by Erin McCarthy
Thoughts: Really liked the last quarter of Skin Deep, it was really compelling! Totally addicted to True. There have been moments of irksome and some small issues I have with the book but overall, it is awesome!
Another day of work! Essentially I should have had a lot more time for reading than I actually got round to doing but I started to feel a little sick after dinner and then I had a few reviews to write up and other blog things to do and before I knew it, it was time to sleep! But I did manage to finish True and get a review written for it!
Books Read: 1 1/2
Books: Skin Deep by Laura Jarrett and True by Erin McCarthy
Thoughts: Definitely enjoyed the last half of True more than the first. I also just really enjoyed this book more than I thought I would! Glad I gave it a read!
Fi @ Bookish Outsider
Good luck with your goals! I’m still dithering over what to read but my pile will definitely include Witch Finder. As for goals, mainly I’m going to try and be a bit more social than I was in the last Bout of Books! Looking forward to hearing what you think of Bomb Maker too, I have Ferryman but still haven’t read it.
Faye (Daydreaming_Star)
Thanks Fi!
You so need to read Ferryman! It is absolutely amazing and just baah… get to it :P
Hope you manage to be more social for this bout of books and are enjoying it! Good luck with all your goals as well!
Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook
I am so excited for Bout of Books, although I still need to sign up. I’m going to so signup and goals post all in one tomorrow. This time, BoB falls on my week of stay-cation, so I plan on reading ALOT! Good luck!
Faye (Daydreaming_Star)
Yay for lots of reading and for BoB!! :D Hope you’ve been having fun so far!
Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life
I just started and finished Wallbanger yesterday. Super cheesy. But funny and actually decent story telling. I think you’ll enjoy it too.
Good luck with your goals Faye! I’m still undecided about participating because it’ll be a busy week for me. But I guess why the hell not? :)
Faye (Daydreaming_Star)
Yay! So far Wallbanger is going to be a maybe read for me but I’ll let you know what I think if I do read it!
Thanks! Did you decide to go for it in the end?
Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life
Yea, definitely do! :)
I gave it a 3* for pure enjoyment reasons only. But hey, we definitely need some of those books sometimes.
I am participating. I’m not doing any better than how I usually read in a week as it’s been pretty busy week so far. But it’s been fun being involved. :)
How are you doing with your goals?
Debbie @ Snuggling on the Sofa
Ooh Bombmaker! I cant wait to find out if this is good. And Wallbanger looks… intriguing :P Good luck!
Faye (Daydreaming_Star)
Thanks Debbie! Will let you know what I think of Bombmaker when I read it and Wallbanger too, haha!
I’m entering the challenge too! This is my first time. I hope you make your goals!
Faye (Daydreaming_Star)
Oooh! Hope you’re enjoying it! Thanks for your comment and encouragement! Hope you reach your goals too! :)