Books,  Bout of Books

Bout of Books 9.0 Goals And Updates

Bout of Books

Bout of Books starts on Monday! Ahhhhh! *throws party confetti in the air*
Err… what?

Anyway… This post is for my goals during the read-a-thon!
I usually get a little ahead of my self with my goals so I’m going to try and reign it in a little bit this time around!

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I plan to read at least two books but I’m hoping to read three.
I want to comment on other posts every day.
I want to participate in at least two challenges.
I want to participate in at least one twitter chat.

Those are my goals!
What are your goals?


It was a fairly busy day today as it was my sister’s birthday and a friends’ birthday and I had worked which left for very little time to read or do any challenges. I also missed the twitter chat. I also hadn’t finished the book I was reading before Bout of Books. Therefore I continued reading this and read about a quarter of the book.
Books Read: 1/4
Books: Skin Deep by Laura Jarrett
Thoughts: This book was slow to start but I am definitely getting more pulled into this story!

I only had work today but I got a little distracted after dinner talking to my parents so I didn’t read as much as I wanted and I also didn’t manage to participate in any of the challenges again. However, I started the morning by finishing Skin Deep and starting True by Erin McCarthy. Which meant I ended up reading about a quarter of one book and half of another!
Books Read: 1
Books: Skin Deep by Laura Jarrett and True by Erin McCarthy
Thoughts: Really liked the last quarter of Skin Deep, it was really compelling! Totally addicted to True. There have been moments of irksome and some small issues I have with the book but overall, it is awesome!

Another day of work! Essentially I should have had a lot more time for reading than I actually got round to doing but I started to feel a little sick after dinner and then I had a few reviews to write up and other blog things to do and before I knew it, it was time to sleep! But I did manage to finish True and get a review written for it!
Books Read: 1 1/2
Books: Skin Deep by Laura Jarrett and True by Erin McCarthy
Thoughts: Definitely enjoyed the last half of True more than the first. I also just really enjoyed this book more than I thought I would! Glad I gave it a read!



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