Author Interview: Rauf Khalilov
Author Interview: Rauf Khalilov Hey All! Today is my stop on the Legend of Sidri blog tour and I am here today with an interview with the author! Title: The Legend of Sidri Publisher: Self-Published Published: 26th September 2019 Format:…
My Thoughts On… Dino Knights by Jeff Norton
My Thoughts On… Dino Knights by Jeff Norton Hi All! Today is my stop on the blog tour for Dino Knights and I am here today with a review of this thrilling book. **A copy of this book was provided…
My Thoughts On… The Amazing Adventures of Wobblin Wobin’ by Tony Rocca
My Thoughts On… The Amazing Adventures of Wobblin Wobin’ by Tony Rocca Hi All! Today is my stop on the blog tour for The Amazing Adventures of Wobblin Wobin’ and I am here today with a review of this lovely…
Galloglass by Scarlett Thomas
Galloglass by Scarlett Thomas Hi All! Today is my stop on the blog tour for Galloglass and I am here today to with an extract from the book and a chance to win a copy! Title: Galloglass (Worldquake #3) Author:…
My Thoughts On… Ghosteleers by Philip Beicken
My Thoughts On… Ghosteleers by Philip Beicken **A copy of this book was provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review** Title: Ghosteleers Author: Philip Beicken Publisher: Hashtag Press Published: 8th March 2019 Pages: 112 Format: Paperback…
Cover Reveal: Dino Knights by Jeff Norton
Dino Knights Hi All! Today I am here to share with you all the cover of Dino Knights by Jeff Norton! First though, here’s some information about the book! Title: Dino Knights Author: Jeff Norton Publisher: Awesome Reads Published: 6th…
Author Interview: Gwyn Ellis Pritchard
Author Interview: Gwyn Ellis Pritchard Today is my stop on the The Last Leaf blog tour and I am pleased to welcome Gwyn Ellis Pritchard on to the blog with a quick interview! He’s come up with some fab answers!…
5 Fave Childhood Reads – #WBDwithUKYA
5 Fave Childhood Reads – #WBDwithUKYA Hi All! Today is World Book Day and I am on a blog hop with some wonderful bloggers to celebrate the day! We have chosen to share with you all our 5 Fave Childhood…
My Thoughts On… The Halloween Parade by Matt Beighton
My Thoughts On… The Halloween Parade by Matt Beighton Hi All! Today is my stop on the blog tour for The Halloween Parade and I am here today with a review of this fantastic book! Title: The Halloween Parade (Monstacademy…
Top 10 Children’s Classics; Guest Post by Anna James
Top 10 Children’s Classics; Guest Post by Anna James Hi All! Today is my stop on the Tilly and the Book Wanderers blog tour and I’m here today with a guest post by the author: Anna James About the Book…