
In My Mailbox #19

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. Let us know what books you’ve bought, borrowed or recieved! :)

I have once more made it through another week without buying any books! I know, I know, aren’t you proud of me? I’m actually fairly amazed by this accomplishment! It’s been about a month, if not more, since I last bought a book! I’m proud of myself at any rate! This week I got lent three books from a friend, won two books and got six books for review! :D


The Final Problem And Other Stories by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle
A Scandal in Bohemia and Other Stories by Arthur Conan Doyle

My best friend purchased these a while ago and showed me them on twitter and I instantly wanted to read them! We kind of grew our friendship around Sherlock so it was awesome to see her buying the books! When I said I would love to read them after her, she was happy to oblige! So, when she finished them this week, she put them in an envelope and sent them on their way to me, and look, there they are! Cannot wait to dive into them!


(ARC) Burn Mark by Laura Powell
(ARC) Immortal City by Scott Speer

Woo! I won Burn Mark from Bloomsbury’s Hooked On Books Facebook page so that was pretty awesome! I can not wait to dig into it because it sounds amazing!
I won Immortal City from Brodie at Eleusinian Mysteries! For participating in her book boyfriend quiz last month :D I also cannot wait to start reading this one! I have heard many a great things!

for review

Vampeire: The Debutante by Andrea White
The Witches of the Glass Castle by Gabriella Lepare
Lost Heritage by Adrian Bishop

Lillia’s Diary by Ian McFayden
Dark Passage by Griffin Hayes
My Fairytale Life by Heather M. White

The first four books are from the Book Guild publishing house which is an independent publishers and they’re really friendly! I’m really looking forward to reading all of these, especially Witches of the Glass Castle!
Dark Passage was recieved from the author himself and I absolutely adored his other book, Malice and am looking forward to finding out that he continues to write brilliant stories! The synopsis of this one just sounds so good!!
My Fairytale Life was again recieved from the author and is another one that I’m really looking forward to reading!!

that’s what I got this week,
what did you get? (:


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