Books,  Films

In My Mailbox #4

In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. Let us know what books you’ve bought, borrowed or received for review! 
Okay, so, when I first started joining in with this meme a few weeks ago, I never thought that I would be able to aquire enough books to participate weekly. Clearly I got the wrong end of the stick with this one! I have had yet another great week full of lots of new reads and have finished two really great books and started two really great books as well! All in all, this blogging thing is definitely something I’m enjoying so yay!
Anyway, enough of that! Here’s what I got this week.


these three films were all bought as I need them for an essay that is due but since they were the only film or book related things I bought this week, I thought I would include them! All three films are really interesting and are about british women in the work place (in case you were wondering!)

I have been wanting to read Unearthly ever since I saw reviews of Hallowed popping up everywhere so when it was finally available to pick up at the library, I was over the moon! My Soul to Take, I heard about through Goodreads and am fairly intrigued by it! I am slightly put off by the tagline “twilight fans will love it” as I despise Twilight but I’ve been told it’s good nonetheless so we shall see! And, finally, after finsihing Glass Houses this morning, I found it impossible not to grab a hold of the second book in the series STRAIGHT away!


Ahh! This were given to me by my mother and I could not be happier! I have wanted to read them since I saw the first movie of them. (And lets face it, sweeds know how to make good adaptations – Let The Right One In anyone?) So now I cannot wait to have the time to sit down and read my way through these glorious books!

for review

All of these books sound so interesting and I’m looking forward to reading each and every one of them! In fact, I have already started The Scarlet Dagger and I’m already feeling extremely hooked on the story! The others I also cannot wait to start reading and just wish I had more time on my hands. Christmas will be a brilliant holiday to get some good reading done!

so that was my week,
what did you get this week? =)



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