
In My Mailbox #9

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. Let us know what books you’ve bought, borrowed or received!


So, this week I got a nice selection of books to review and only purchased TWO books! I also got a large selection of free books for my kindle but there’s quite a few so I’m just going to list and link them for you instead of showing you pretty covers (sorry!). Anyway, here’s what I got this week;


After hearing about this trilogy, and seeing the price, I decided that I would check it out and see if it was any good! It sounds really interesting and you know, who doesn’t like Zombie Apocalypse Books? :D

for review by KE Payne

So, these are all netgalley requests and I have to admit that each one stood out to me and just looks like an incredible read that I cannot wait to read! I’m especially intrigued by The Stubborn Dead and New Girl but they all look really, really good (or I wouldn’t have requested them!).

free kindle books 

These were all wanted for different reasons but I think I am going to enjoy reading each and every one of them! :)

That’s all I got this week,
what did you get?


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