Books,  Writing

It’s Almost Time!

NaNoWriMo is just around the corner and starts in just two days! (or well, one and a half now!). This is a warning message to let you know that I will probably be blogging even less than usual but if I’m not then I somehow managed to get my butt in gear and actually fall into a routine – who knows, it may happen!

Now, if you’ve been stalking my twitter, you may know that I have been looking for other bloggers participating in NaNo aswell, this is to set up a sort of support unit for everyone. The sign ups for it will be open throughout November, and really the sign ups are just so I can contact people via e-mail but feel free to reach out on twitter instead!

How I plan to help?

  • Twitter Sprints
    You may have witnessed these sprints from following the @Nanowrimo twitter, but basically throughout the month I will use my twitter (and a hashtag) to encourage you to write solidly for say, 10mins. And so on and so forth.
  • Word Wars
    Very similar to twitter sprints, a time goal will be given and then once that time is up, the winner of the “war” is the one who has written the most words. A brilliant encouraging tool that truly helped me out last year!
  • Encouraging E-mails/Posts
    You know how the NaNo Staff send weekly e-mails to keep you on track? I plan to do something similar for you but keeping in mind that we all have blogging commitments to keep as well. These will help us to feel less alone while we trek towards that 50k mark.
  • Badges/Buttons/Gadgets
    These are still in the process of being made, but I plan to make some pretty graphics for different things. (ex. if you write about a witch in your story, you may get a witchy graphic, or when you hit 10k, you’ll get a badge to prove it!)
  • Twitter Chats
    Sometimes the best ways to keep motivated is to talk about our ideas! Obviously, we don’t need the entire story told to us but if you’re stuck at any point, you can come to us and we can give you pointers on how best to continue on. And sometimes just explaining our idea can help to rekindle any lost motivation for it – or so I’m told.
  • Facebook/Goodreads
    I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a facebook or goodreads group for this, if you think it’s a good idea, let me know and I’ll get right on it. Especially if you have a personal preference. These could be used in the same way as twitter but longer and people would be able to comment and help easier!

I may come up with some more ways to help encourage everyone throughout the month but that’s all I’ve got so far! If this sounds like your type of encouragement, do comment or sign up on the linky list. The more the merrier! And your blog doesn’t have to be a book blog, btw, if you’re an author partaking in NaNo and have a writers blog, that’s totally okay! Or well, any blog really. Let’s all just help each other!

The Daily Goals
The aim of NaNo is to write 50,000 words in 30 days. That equals to 1,667 per day. So this is what your word count should look like every day – but never fear if it doesn’t!

Day One – 1667
Day Two – 3334
Day Three – 5001
Day Four – 6668
Day Five – 8335
Day Six – 10002
Day Seven – 11669
Day Eight – 13336
Day Nine – 15003
Day Ten – 16670
Day Eleven – 18337
Day Twelve – 20004
Day Thirteen – 21671
Day Fourteen – 2338
Day Fifteen – 25005
Day Sixteen – 26672
Day Seventeen – 28339
Day Eighteen – 30006
Day Nineteen – 31673
Day Twenty – 33340
Day Twenty One – 35007
Day Twenty Two – 36674
Day Twenty Three – 38341
Day Twenty Four – 40008
Day Twenty Five – 41675
Day Twenty Six – 43342
Day Twenty Seven – 45009
Day Twenty Eight – 46676
Day Twenty Nine – 48343
Day Thirty – 50000

A lot of the time you probably won’t be on target. Some people may start off ahead, others may fall behind and do large sprints to catch up, whereas some will rely heavily on the weekend due to their jobs. No matter what happens, do not worry if you feel it becomes too much. While the goal of Nano is to reach 50k, the aim of nano is simply to write.

So, let’s get our hats on and get writing!

And for those of you who would also like to add me on my profile can be found here.


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