June Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Highlights
June has been a bit of a blur month for me. I don’t quite know where it went, how I was so busy and why I’ve felt so tired for the most of it. But it has passed us by and now we’re into July which is also my birthday month (ahhh) and I have two fabulous weeks off work to enjoy (yay!).
This month I went to PicnicYA which was really good fun. Got to meet some new people, some people I’ve been following on twitter for a while and enjoy the little sun we did have on that day!
I also went to the Walker FictionFest where I heard about all the new titles Walker are publishing and got to meet up with a whole bunch of bloggers I hadn’t seen in a while which was great fun!
The day after that I went to the book lovers meetup which was good fun. Met some new people, talked about books and other exciting things and just generally had a great day – mostly in the company of the fantastic Katie.
Aside from that, I also participated in the Race for Life 10K which, while sadly not managing to run the entire 10K due to damaging my ankle, among other factors, I did manage to run 8.5K and walk 1.5K which I’m pretty pleased about. And if you want to sponsor me, you still can on my Just Giving page here; JustGiving.
Blog wise I hosted the LGBT Readathon and the UKLGBTChat both of which were successful and fun and I’ll definitely be hosting these again in the future so keep your eyes peeled!
This will be my last monthly wrap-up. To read further wrap-ups, sign up to my new newsletter here. This will include exclusive content, competitions and behind-the-scenes info! And it’ll only come once a month so no clogging up your inbox!
My top three posts this month were;
Top Netflix Series To Watch
Don’t Judge Me On My Size
Top Ten Tuesday: Summer TBR
I have had the worst reading month for a very long time. Somehow I only managed to read three books this month. I am in the middle of five other books but I just couldn’t find the motivation to read this month which is very sad. However, I am hoping to read a lot more in July as I’ve got some holidays booked just to do that! I’m excited to get back into the grove of things.
Blogger Spotlight
Last month I had the brilliant Daniel as my blogger spotlight and it’s been great being able to highlight more about him and his blog and I hope you have visited his blog and twitter.
Blogger Spotlight Announcement: The Blogger’s Bookshop
Blogger Spotlight Interview
Blogger Spotlight Guest Post
Favourite Book
I wrote a full review of this book this month which you can read here. But here’s just a little recap: This book was such a great read. I loved the use of the main character’s unwillingness to speak. I thought it made the character more powerful as you were living more inside her head. I loved the relationships between all the characters and how they all progressed in the story. There was a brilliant build-up of tension in the story as well and I thought the plot was intriguing and unique and was full of brilliant twists and turns you weren’t expecting. It was addictive, powerful and easy read that has a very interesting theme and messages running through it. Also the beginning was incredible powerful and the whole book was super addictive and easy to read!
Books Read
Three Stars
The Last Summer of Us by Maggie Harcourt; I had really wanted to love this book after hearing so many good things about it but I really struggled to get into it. I found I couldn’t connect with the main character and some of the scenes just didn’t feel right to me. It was an interesting read but not one I’d go back to again.
Four Stars
The Lost and The Found by Cat Clarke; This is a book that I had heard many things about so I was excited to dive into. It was addictive, had Cat’s distinctive flair and was a very intriguing story that I enjoyed reading about.
Unspeakable by Abbie Rushton; As mentioned above I very much enjoyed this book and would happily read it again. I loved the characters a lot and how addictive this read was as well.
Lauren @ Northern Plunder
Sounds like June was a great month for you and all those meet-up/cons. I had planned to go to one this month (Edge Lit) but unfortuantely because of my partners jury service we can’t make the journey, trying to get a refund at the moment and its v difficult :(
I’m dying to read The Art of Being Normal so I hope you enjoy it!
My monthly wrap up
Lauren @ Northern Plunder
Chrissi Reads
Looks like you had a great June, despite the bad reading month. I’m sure you’ll have good ones to make up for it! <3