
May the Odds be Ever in Your Favour!!!

Hey Guys!
So, this is sort of an update post, but I thought the catchy title, with everything going on right now with the release of the film (more on that in a bit) that it might just catch your eye. Feel free to close the browser now if you don’t want to read on BUT if you want to know more about this post, why not stick around? ;)
So, basically, university is being a bit of a thorn in my side at the moment. It is causing me to become stressed which in turn is not helping me sleep at night so I’m then too tired to do my assignments so then I start stressing more because deadlines are looming and I’ve done very little work. Then, on wednesday I found out that my one exam this year is the day after my 12000 word thesis is due. Needless to say I panicked and am still stressing majorly about it. When you’re already behind on work, you don’t want to find out that you actually have one week less to get things done.
So yes, a thorn in my side!
On that note, I will be spending a lot less time here.
I never wanted it to come to this but, at the end of the day, university has to come first. It is my last year and once these three assignments are out of the way, I will be done with university for a while! Maybe forever! Ahhh.
If you’ve read to here, thank you!
If you continue reading, have a cookie *hands cookie*
This all means that the only things I will posting on here will be things already scheduled (book tours, the odd review I’ve promised to do, etc) but aside from that, this place may become a bit of a ghost town -shudders-
 It also means I won’t be commenting on other peoples blogs at all
PLEASE do not take offence to this, and if in return you don’t want to reply on mine, then that is fine. The only problem I have is that I just don’t have the time.
I do however promise that on May 3rd, I will be back and I will be so active you’ll want me to disappear again! haha.
Are you still reading? 
Wow, you’re amazing!!
I do actually have a fair few guest posts lined up for you, so this site won’t be completely dead and I really hope that you enjoy all of the wonderful people who have helped me out!
I’ll also still be doing Blogger Spotlight things!
I just won’t be as active as I was. 
It possibly (or more probably) means I won’t be participating in any memes for a while but I will be back!
Oh, okay, I guess, since you read up to here I should give you a treat!
Like, I’m not even KIDDING. It was beyond my expectations. I left the cinema and asked my friend if we could please go and see it again, like RIGHT now.
She giggled.
AND. GUYS. She has NOT read the books and absolutely LOVED it and is now GOING to read the books! Yeeeeeee!

There are a few bits I was icky with, a few pouty moments over some of it but overall, it was an extraordinary film that I am sooo glad I went and saw!! =D
**a full review will appear at some point**

Have you seen it yet? What are your thoughts on it? Are you going to see it? I want to hear all!


  • Sam

    I just watched The Hunger Games today and enjoyed it a lot more than I though I would! I didn’t have the highest expectations as the book was just TOO amazing to be replicated well enough, but they really did do a fab job! :)

    I hope you can de-stress a little and catch up with your work. It would be great to blog away without thinking about anything else but that’s not always the case for us, unfortunately. :) Have a good sort-of break!

  • Sarah (saz101)

    Aw, my sweet! Uni HAS to come first. It’s only a period, and we know you’ll be back. I hope it goes well, your thesis and exam go smoothly, and you get rid of some of that stress. It’s not good for you… and you know what? Blogging is meant to be FUN. If all it’s doing is adding to the stress, back off a little. You know everyone will still be here when you get back, and I’m totally still stalking you in the meantime :D

    SOOOO glad you liked THG! I LOVED it! I thought it was brilliant as a really sympathetic adaptation of the book… but I also thought it was a great movie. I love how they kind of intensified the perversity of the whole situation by contrasting it with the behind the scenes, and the glossy studios and? Yes? LOVED.

  • Melissa

    I haven’t seen The Hunger Games or read the books. Shame on me, I know. I’ve been skipping reading people’s reviews of the books so I don’t read any spoilers. Double shame.

    Good luck with getting everything done with your university work. I know it is overwhelming now, but just take it one step at a time and everything will fall into place.

  • Brodie

    Ugh, sorry to hear you’re so stressed! Especially with that damn exam so soon after your thesis. That is terrifying :S Totally understandable that you’ll be spending less time blogging. Blogging is a fun hobby, but uni is… well, important! Especially being your final year, naturally you don’t want to screw anything up.

    I wish you all the best of luck with it and of course we’ll all miss you like crazy!! <3

    EEEEEEEEE THE HUNGER GAMES. Oh my gosh. Wow. Like you, a few moments I could nitpick, but as a whole, it was freaking incredible and my fave book-to-movie adaptation so far. JENNIFER LAWRENCE. AH MAY ZING.

  • MoonChild

    I thought the movie was really good. Both in the way of adaptation and just watching it solely as a movie. I loved it so much and it exceeded my expectations so much. I think, in some ways, it was a better adaptation than Harry Potter (maybe because there was less to adapt).

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