
New Adult Read-a-Thon Announcement!


How­dy All!

I’m here today to tell you all about a new read-a-thon that I am co-hosting! And, if you haven’t guessed already from that button above, it’s the New Adult Read-a-Thon! I’ll be hosting this read-a-thon with the lovely and amazing Laura from Bookish Treasures!

So here’s some things that you need to know about it!

It’s a WEEK-LONG read-a-thon! (Yay!) That means you all get to read New Adult titles for an entire week – how cool is that?

It runs from 22nd July – 28th July! (So go pencil it in your diaries right now!)

There will be lots of activities going on throughout the week including mini-challenges, twitter chats, and giveaways! (awoohoo!)

You can sign up TODAY – and when you give us your e-mail address we’ll send you a lovely reminder e-mail closer to the date as well, and you can remove your sign up at ANY time.
TO SIGN UP; Simply link to your SIGN UP POST on the linky below. If you don’t have a blog and are joining us, just link to your tweet or status (Goodreads or FB) saying that you’re joining us!

We’re looking to YOU to help US! That’s right – we need some of you lovely bloggers to help us host some mini-challenges and giveaways! If you’re up for doing this, please fill out the form attached below!

Are YOU an author? Would you be happy to help us out with the giveaways? Then please do get in touch by either e-mailing me (here) or by e-mailing Laura (here).

Spread the word! We want as many people joining in the fun as possible so the further you help us spread the word, the more fun it’ll be overall. So let’s do this!

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