
New Adult Read-a-thon Reminder!


Hey All!
A while back I made an announcement on the blog about a read-a-thon that I am co-hosting with Laura at Bookish Treasures. Well now I am here to remind you about it because it starts next monday!

The event starts on Monday 22nd July and ends on Sunday 29th July. The event is simply to read as many New Adult books as you can during the week with lots of other people to help make it more fun and exciting.

I would like to thank everyone who signed up to be mini-challenge hosts! We had a lot of people signing up and now have a good selection of mini-challenges for all the participants of the read-a-thon, hopefully making the read-a-thon a lot more fun and interactive for everyone!

From now on we’ll be using a hashtag for the event, so keep an eye on it!

And we now have a date for the twitter chat which is;
Saturday 27th July at 7pm GMT!

Throughout the week we will have daily posts detailing who will be hosting the mini-challenges for that day, with our own updates on our progresses, and a linky for you all to add your own process updates as well. Keep and eye out for all of that!

There will be a LOT of giveaways during this event but every participant that is NOT signed up correctly will be disqualified.
To sign up you MUST link up to your sign up POST or STATUS. If your link just takes you to your homepage, twitter, goodreads, or facebook profile, you CAN NOT win any giveaway prizes.
(If you have already signed up, you CAN change your link, but if you have any problems, do not hesitate to e-mail me.)

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