Books,  Readathon

New Adult Read-a-Thon Updates!


Hey Guys!
So, throughout the week, I am going to be updating this post with all of my progress as well as all the mini-challenges that I entered!
First up, I will just remind you of what my goals are…


– Read at least four books
– Comment on all blogs that are participating
– Make some new friends
– Host the twitter chat!
– Get some great NA Recommendations
– Do at least one mini-challenge a day!


On Monday I participated in Krista’s Dust Jacket’s Mini-Challenge, Good Guy vs Bad Boy (my comment is below). Meaning I am starting off well with that goal!
I commented on all the goal posts that were signed up – before I went to bed – so am right on my way for commenting on all participating blogs!
There have been some great books people are reading and I have had one recommendation so far. Looking forward to getting some more!
And finally, I read 25% of Pushing The Limits. I had work yesterday though which I don’t today and plan to get a lot more read today.

On Tuesday I participated in Addicted to Books’ Mini-Challenge, What Would you Do Differently (below). Which means I’m still doing well with that goal.
I didn’t, however, didn’t get a chance to do any blog commenting, but I’ll get back on that tomorrow.
No more recommendations today either, but that’s because I didn’t visit any blogs, eeek!
Lastly, I read another 25% of Pushing the Limits which means I’m now halfway through the book! I didn’t read as much as I wanted to today but that’s okay!

On Wednesday I participated in Smokin’ Hot Book Blogs’ Mini-Challenge, Twitter Character Bio (below). Which means I’m still going strong on this goal.
No blog commenting or recommendations again though as I had work and then family things in the evening, but the next four days I have no work so here’s hoping…
And because of another day with lack of time, I read 30% of Pushing the Limits. I now only have 20% left and I do have to say that I am enjoying it, but it’s also reminding me a little bit of Beautiful Disaster but ahh… I’m addicted, what can I say?

On Thursday I didn’t participate in any mini-challenges but I’m still counting this as there was an unforseen issue with the challenges.
Once again, I didn’t visit any blogs though (sorry guys!) because I ended up at a friends house helping her make a bookcase and then filling it… all with two young children. It was a good but long day!
But, despite all of that, I managed to actually read quite a bit (yay!). I read the last 20% of Pushing the Limits and have to admit I really enjoyed the book! And then I read 50% of Losing It. Hope to finish that one today and maybe even start the next one… :D

On Friday I didn’t manage to participate in any mini-challenges meaning that I have now failed that goal – d’oh!
And I didn’t get a chance to visit any blogs or get any recommendations…
I did, however, finish Losing It and I started The Edge of Never but have only read 3% so I’m not even sure that counts! :P


Good Guy vs Bad Boy
I am a good guy girl! I love the boys who are sweet, and sensitive, the ones who are caring and protective, romantic and just oh-so-kind. I love the ones who aren’t amazingly handsome, but pretty enough to be a looker. Essentially I love the best friend, the guys they never pick in the books.
But… in fiction I love the boys that look tough, that act tough, but underneath have a heart of gold.

Guys like Lucas Maddox in Easy, and Noah in Pushing the Limits. There’s more to them under the surface and I love that. :D

What Would You Do Differently
Fallen Too Far by Abbi Glines has a scene where the protagonist gets drunk for the first time. The guy insists she eats beforehand, I would have made her eat more than she did, or had her acting more drunk than she did.
please note; I liked Fallen to Far and think Abbi is a great writer, I am not judging her writing abilities at all!

Twitter Character Bio
Noah from Pushing The Limits; (Bear in mind I’ve not finished the story and I suck at this kind of thing :p)
What’s on the surface is only half the story. So this bio is pointless. I am who I am, and you’ll only ever see what you want to see unless you know me.

So there you have it, my updates! I think I’m doing fairly okay so far! How are your updates going? Don’t forget to link up your updates posts to this post!


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